Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So, how’s it going?

  • @Ozymati
    87 months ago

    Something bit my foot! Literally the first day I wear sandals. I mean, yay, summer?

    • ColonialSpore
      57 months ago

      Katipo, Weta, possum, snail, cockroach,…? Need more info.

      • @DaveOPMA
        47 months ago

        Dog? Cat? Small child? Colleague? Could be anything really.

    • @absGeekNZ
      37 months ago

      Summer…well kinda. The weather doesn’t feel that much like a normal summer.

      • @eagleeyedtiger
        27 months ago

        Well it’s technically still Spring isn’t it?

        • @absGeekNZ
          47 months ago

          True; summer is Dec-Feb…but usually this close to the start of summer, it feels like summer.

          • @DaveOPMA
            27 months ago

            Hmm, normally for me it doesn’t feel like summer until January most years.

          • @eagleeyedtiger
            27 months ago

            It definitely feels cooler than the same time last year

  • @absGeekNZ
    77 months ago

    Just heard on BBC global news podcast, first thing about the new NZ government…removal of the smoking ban.

    • @DaveOPMA
      47 months ago

      Yeah, it was recently in the news about other countries considering adding them, then bam here’s NZ way ahead of the rest of the world suddenly deciding to reverse it.

      It’s not unexpected, but I do feel like we need to streamline our thinking as a country. I know there is opposition to banning it for people born after a specific year, but the first question is whether it should be banned at all. And if not, then there’s a whole lot of other stuff that should probably be legal.

      If opponents think it should be illegal but not in such a discriminatory way, then perhaps they can suggest a better way.

      • @NoRamyunForYou
        57 months ago

        I just hate how its so predictably flip flop everytime the government changes on so many things. Govt X does something, next Govt Y reverses it etc.

        Havent really done much deeper thinking into it, which I probably should, but its getting quite old…

        • @SamC
          6 months ago

          deleted by creator

          • @NoRamyunForYou
            27 months ago

            Maybe it’s just one of those things where it “feels” like it, more so than it actually “is”?

            • @SamC
              6 months ago

              deleted by creator

              • @NoRamyunForYou
                17 months ago

                I guess we’ll have to wait and see what the full impact/outcome is.

              • @liv
                17 months ago

                I think you’re right. I was really shocked by their enormous laundry list of things to repeal and dismantle. None of the Key governments had that.

                There’s also a weird shortage of things they are going to create.

        • @DaveOPMA
          37 months ago

          I think this is just a symptom of our general move away from the larger parties. Smaller parties tend to (though don’t always) have more extreme views. Labour and National are pretty close in policy, but when you add Greens on the left, they negotiate for stronger left-leaning policies. Then perhaps it would be ok if the policies were outside National’s normal field of vision, but then you throw in Act and NZ First and they each have things that are key to them lying outside the normal box, which they negotiate for.

          There is also a worldwide resurgence of further-right wing parties, that thrive on the divisiveness that instant worldwide communication encourages.

          • @NoRamyunForYou
            27 months ago

            The growth in popularity of far-right ideas worldwide does concern be a bit.

      • @Ilovethebomb
        27 months ago

        I mean, we get to be first to enact and first to repeal it, so there’s that?

  • @NoRamyunForYou
    67 months ago

    Just saw that they have proposed to increase Public Transport Fares in Auckland… Not what you want to see when you’re trying to increase usage.

  • @eagleeyedtiger
    57 months ago

    What do you have for breakfast?

    I switched to making my oats with water instead of milk and now realise I’m basically eating gruel like some old time peasant

    • @d3Xt3r
      7 months ago

      On weekdays, smoothies: oat milk, strawberries, blueberries, bananas, chia seeds (or walnuts), pea protein, hemp protein, arepa (blackcurrant+L-theanine), spirulina.

      On weekends I usually don’t bother with brekkie and go straight for brunch or lunch, depending on how late I get up. If I’m going to the Sunday markets though, I grab something from the carts, like empanadas and a coffee, and have it whilst enjoying the early morning sun at the waterfront.

      • @eagleeyedtiger
        17 months ago

        I love smoothies, especially when it’s warmer. But I’ve had to cut back as I’m not exercising enough at the moment and tend to put too many calories into a morning smoothie.

    • @NoRamyunForYou
      37 months ago

      I used to love eating oats in the morning - just with hot water. So simple and easy. However I figured it was making me quite gassy, and so I’ve stayed away from it for the most part (which is a shame, because I have like 3 unopened bags in the pantry lol).

      These days I’ll usually have a couple of pieces of toast, or whatever bread the partners made the day before.

      • @eagleeyedtiger
        27 months ago

        Interesting, do you think it could be to do with the fiber? I find if I don’t have enough fiber in my diet and then start adding it again I get gassy. But not if I regularly have a good amount everyday.

        • @NoRamyunForYou
          27 months ago

          Yeah, I think I read that it was due to the fiber, and something to do with breaking it down. Though the fiber in Rice dosent cause it - which is a relief because that’s our staple diet lol.

          • @eagleeyedtiger
            27 months ago

            Haha yep, they’ll have to pry my rice and noodles from my cold dead hands.

    • @absGeekNZ
      37 months ago

      Every night I make overnight oats; using steel cut oats with water, with cinnamon, dates and chia seeds.

      This all goes in the slow cooker, it is ready for me before I go to work and it is ready for the rest of the family for before school/kindy.

      • @eagleeyedtiger
        27 months ago

        I’m not that organised! I usually just mix oats and water and microwave it for 2 mins.

        • @absGeekNZ
          37 months ago

          Having the breakfast ready in the morning is great; there is no debate and the kids get their breakfast scooped out of the pot and things go fast.

          Toast takes ages by comparison.

    • @DaveOPMA
      7 months ago

      When I was growing up there was something called creamoata. They don’t make it anymore but it was basically ground oats, so I like to blend the oats in a blender then cook with water 50/50, then milk on the top with brown sugar. Tastes like my childhood.

      These days I mostly make it for the kids though.

      • @eagleeyedtiger
        27 months ago

        That reminds me of something we used to eat growing up called Nestum. We would make a thick cereal out of it with boiling water and add sweetened condensed milk.

        My kids don’t seem to like oats at all. They barely even like cereal for breakfast.

        • @DaveOPMA
          27 months ago

          A product called Nestum seems to still be made, a rice cereal for weaning babies?

          Two of mine like porridge made my way. And the other prefers weetbix but only at 3:30 in the afternoon, never at breakfast time.

    • @liv
      27 months ago

      I eat whole wholegrain oats with cold water so I guess that makes you a more sophisticated medieval peasant than me!

    • @DaveOPMA
      27 months ago

      I don’t eat breakfast. I generally don’t eat before 12, but will make an exception for brunch.

      • @eagleeyedtiger
        27 months ago

        Any reason? I used to do that as part of intermittent fasting. I guess some days I still do and won’t eat until 10 or 11. Or maybe just really light in the morning, a coffee and banana sort of thing.

        • @DaveOPMA
          27 months ago

          Yeah it’s basically intermittent fasting, with all rules more like guidelines.

          One thing I noticed is I don’t get hungry in the morning except when I ate something the previous day. Then my body just screams “I know you can eat in the morning, you did it yesterday!”, so I just ended up almost never having breakfast.

  • @DaveOPMA
    47 months ago

    After someone recently deleted their account and a bunch of posts completely disappeared, I’ve been thinking about the daily posts. I’ve always been against having a bot post them, as I feel like having a person post them is an indication that someone is interested in a chat, and you know if you post in the diaily post that at least one person is following and interested.

    However, if the person who posted the post then later deletes their account, the post is gone.

    Anyone have thoughts on if this is ok, or if we should be using a bot account so the content is preserved? (of course people could still delete their comments if they wanted to - but this work prevent the OP from deleting all the content).

    Another down side of using a bot is that Lemmy lets you disable seeing bot posts, so if you have this then you wouldn’t see the post.

    • @SamC
      6 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • @DaveOPMA
        37 months ago

        Haven’t been following Lemmy development recently, but are there moves to change how deleting posts works? It seems a bit shit that someone can just delete entire threads. If they want to delete their own posts, then fine, but they shouldn’t be able to memory hole all the replies.

        I’m not aware of any real functional changes to Lemmy being worked on. I’m also a bit out of the loop, but they are working on 0.19 and I’m pretty sure it’s backend stuff like a rewrite of the API.

        Potentially you wouldn’t have to mark it as a bot? Since it only ever posts on your server, you don’t have to require it to be marked as a bot. People can always block that account if they really want to.

        It just seems wrong 😆. I guess if there were no objections we could do this. You’re right, so long as we stay in our corner, it shouldn’t affect others too much. It would still be a bot post showing in All for many people, though.

        • @SamC
          6 months ago

          deleted by creator

          • @DaveOPMA
            17 months ago

            That’s just comments, right? So if you delete a comment, currently all sub-comments are lost but this would fix that.

            I have a brief read through but it didn’t seem like they were targeting post removal.

            • @SamC
              6 months ago

              deleted by creator

              • @DaveOPMA
                17 months ago

                Yeah it does sound like it, so perhaps it’s ok how we are doing it at the moment.

                As an admin I can see the deleted posts still. The post itself is permanently deleted, but the comments are still visible to me, so a change in the future should be able to correct this retrospectively.

    • @absGeekNZ
      7 months ago

      Can you remove bot posts from everyone that is non-local?

      Or potentially whitelist a specific bot?

      • @DaveOPMA
        37 months ago

        It’s a per user setting. In your user settings, there’s just one option:

        setting with checkbox ticked with name of setting "Show bot accounts"

        It’s enabled by default, but you can disable it. You can’t only whitelist local bots or anything like that. In theory you could just not mark the bot account as a bot, but that seems wrong.

        • @eagleeyedtiger
          27 months ago

          On the one had it would be good to have a consistent time for the daily post, however I definitely use that setting to filter out all the bot auto posting articles and reddit posts…

      • @DaveOPMA
        17 months ago

        Feel free to do it! Anyone can do it, there are no rules. Well, not many, anyway.