Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So, how’s it going?

  • @absGeekNZOP
    7 months ago

    Thought for the day

    I did something today; that I have been meaning to do since starting my new job (6 months ago). I biked to work, it took 29 minutes; I plan to ride at least twice a week. I hope to get the time down to around 20 minutes.

    I have a nice bike path to ride on pretty much from where I live to right next to where I work. If I worked in the middle of town, I wouldn’t have the same access to a bike path. How is the infrastructure in your area, that caters to non-car users?

    Update: 28 minutes back.

    • @DaveMA
      27 months ago

      I also have easy access to a shared walking/biking track, but biking to the office is a bit far. I work from home most of the time though.

      I only got a bike earlier in the year (once the kids could bike faster than I could walk), and got in the habbit of lunchtime bike rides a couple of times a week, but over winter I stopped and haven’t started back up again.

    • @SamC
      6 months ago

      deleted by creator

    • @happy_piwakawaka
      17 months ago

      I used to bike every day but kinda fallen out of the habit of late as I mostly work from home. There’s been some good improvements to the both the cycle, and general road infrastructure recently which has made it a lot safer for me going into to work.

      That said with the narrow winding roads in my area, there’s not really any room for further cycle lanes. So unless they introduce lower speed limits, or remove on street parking, then it’s probably as cycle friendly as it’ll get - which is still not super friendly.

      I get by because I have an e-bike and can mostly keep up with traffic if I go hard out (except for uphill), but I wouldn’t recommend cycling on those roads to more casual / younger riders.

  • @liv
    7 months ago

    Someone accidentally unplugged the freezer so I made a snow angel. (Is it better if I don’t embed this)?

    My snow angel

    • @eagleeyedtiger
      37 months ago

      Wouldn’t this be a reverse snow angel? Usually you make them wiping away snow with your arms and legs

      • @liv
        47 months ago

        Good point! I was sort of doing a play on the angel idea but “reverse” is perfect.

    • @DaveMA
      27 months ago

      I’ve made my fair share of freezer-snowmen. Almost like the real thing!

      I think this image size is fine embedded. If it gets bigger I like to put them in spoiler tags so it’s easy to open but hidden at first.

  • @DaveMA
    57 months ago

    Bad start to the day this morning when I was informed it was Thursday today, when I had thought it was Friday.

    • @NoRamyunForYou
      37 months ago

      Haha very sad indeed. Though in saying that, can’t believe it’s Thursday already!

      • @DaveMA
        37 months ago

        I guess on the plus side, I have an extra day to organise Christmas presents (which I’ve left pretty late this year).

        • @NoRamyunForYou
          47 months ago

          😂😂 Any Black Friday Deals that you’ve been eyeing up?

          • @DaveMA
            17 months ago

            Nah, nothing that I want is ever a good price. I think it’s well established by now that places raise prices leading into black friday to make the deals seem better than they are.

            I’m keep to get a Pixel phone and install GrapheneOS on it (because that’s my idea of fun). I have been looking for a second hand one on trademe but I’d like a 256GB storage model and apparently no one buys Pixel 7s with any more than 128GB. I’ll monitor for a while and see if any come up.

            • @NoRamyunForYou
              27 months ago

              Yeah I’ve seen a lot of posts online talking about that. Though I usually have a list of things I’ve been looking at for a while, so I know their ‘regular’ prices, and can always compare to that.

              I’ve heard of GrapheneOS, and have always been meaning to do some more reading into it - and I’ve always wanted a pixel phone, but they make it such a hassle to get one in NZ.

              • @DaveMA
                27 months ago

                If you pop on Pricespy.co.nz there are plenty of places selling Pixels (unofficially). GrapheneOS only supports Pixels, though there are other OSs that support other models. My understanding is that Pixels are the only ones where you can re-lock the bootloader after installing a custom OS, making it more secure.

                I’m really keen to get one because I want to see if I can live without the google integrations. No play store, no google notification service, no google on my phone.

                I reckon I’ll struggle but it’s fun to try 😆

                • @NoRamyunForYou
                  27 months ago

                  Yeah that’s the thing. I wonder why they can’t start selling them here “officially” lol.

                  Yeah, I think no google would be pretty tough, but i’d like to try and diversify and have the backup option if needed :)

    • @SamC
      6 months ago

      deleted by creator

  • @[email protected]
    47 months ago

    Watched a new BBC drama yesterday. It’s called Boat Story and is a VERY dark comedy/crime tale about two dog walking strangers finding a wrecked fishing boat on the beach full of cocaine.

    Here’s a review from the Guardian.

    Definitely not for younger viewers. Found it on the High Seas.

    • @DaveMA
      17 months ago

      I’ve kinda gone off dramas but maybe a comedy drama might be up my alley. The review certainly raves about it. Is it more comedy or more drama?

      • @[email protected]
        27 months ago

        That’s a difficult question given I don’t know what you might expect in a comedy drama. The comedy is VERY dark, the humour is from the clever use of dialog, plus over-the-top violence that really would normally only ever be shown in horror movies, but in there fits perfectly to the amazingly interlinked story line.

        I’d suggest you give it a look if you can, then decide. I couldn’t guess the outcome until a few minutes from the end of the series.

        I feel It’s the best thing I’ve seen in either a tv series or movies for a very long while

        • @DaveMA
          27 months ago

          Ok I’ll do it. I’ve been meaning to set up a self-hosted sonarr/radarr/etc setup’s so this will be an excuse.

  • @eagleeyedtiger
    37 months ago

    Are there any rules around parking on the wrong side of the street (e.g. facing the wrong direction)?

    I don’t know why but it makes me irrationally annoyed when I see people do this.

    • @deadbeef79000
      7 months ago

      Not half as enraging as people parking over the footpath.

      • @eagleeyedtiger
        27 months ago

        Oh yeah 100%. Or those that think it’s OK to block driveways, if it’s just a “short while”

    • @deadbeef79000
      7 months ago

      It’s prohibited to parallel park facing the wrong way.

      Also to reverse into angled parking.

      Source: talked to the person writing the infringement notices.

      • @eagleeyedtiger
        17 months ago

        Now that’s interesting, didn’t know about the reversing into angled parking either!

        • @deadbeef79000
          17 months ago

          It’s technically the same thing. You’re exiting the car park facing the wrong way (or on the wrong side of the road).

    • sadbehr
      27 months ago

      In England I saw it all the time.