Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So, how’s it going?

  • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
    68 months ago

    Buenos dias,

    It’s an odd day today. Finally diagnosed with ADHD only 20 years late and having a first day trialing ritalin, and I have the day off because it’s Mental Health Day.

    Going to get out and vote today, then I can put that worry aside until the weekend.

    Shit is getting bad in Israel, I do not see a quick or calm resolution there. If there’s going to be a WW3, I think this is the candidate for starting it. Unlike Ukraine, too many other countries have strong political positions with or against Israel/Palestine.

    Going to check out some second hand road bikes, and try and flick some things off on TradeMe. Any ideas how I can get rid of a PC case? It’s a great case, but hard to sell it seems.

    • @Ozymati
      48 months ago

      We think of WWIII as when the nukes launch, but I think it’s kinda been ongoing only a lot quieter and more dirty. Mostly on economic and political fronts, stuff like destroying the UK economically and isolating them from the EU by convincing them brexit is a good idea. But also literally millions of people have died in the last 50 years in not labeled as war military actions like the US in Afghanistan.

    • @DaveOPMA
      48 months ago

      Finally diagnosed with ADHD only 20 years late

      This seems to be common! I’ve considered maybe looking at it for myself. What the process like? I’m assuming they don’t just do a blood test and say yip, test says you’ve got ADHD.

      Any ideas how I can get rid of a PC case

      IIRC shipping is the killer as they don’t flatten. If you aren’t concerned, just put it $1 reserve and see who bites.

      • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
        48 months ago

        I asked my GP for a referral (you’ll have to do your own research on which psychologist to see, who is near to you, etc).

        They set an appointment for me, earliest I could get was 3 months away. I had to pay about $900 a week prior, and then had a ~3 hour session to discuss my symptoms with an assistant psychiatrist. Later on that day, I had a 15 minute call with the actual psychologist. 3 days later I picked up my prescription from the chemist.

        I knew I would forget everything as soon as I walked in the room, so for the few months I noted down symptoms that I experienced, which made it way easier to cover the important points. Still missed mentioning half of it all though.

        I still have music constantly playing in my head and the internal monologue, but feel more outwardly focused. There’s less whinging and crying and dragging feet from my brain when I am trying to get things done. But we will see over the next few weeks if this is the right meds for me.

        • @DaveOPMA
          38 months ago

          Thanks! My sister got diagnosed with ADHD in the last few years so I can check who she went with.

          • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
            38 months ago

            More likely you will get the diagnosis then. It’s a family blessing.

            Can I ask what some of your symptoms are, and what meds your sister is on?

            • @DaveOPMA
              48 months ago

              Sorry I haven’t asked what meds shes on.

              For myself, I’ve noticed a dramatic change in my ability to concentrate over the past couple of years, which I think the change may be because of changes that mean I need to be more self-organising and more reliant on myself to keep my concentration.

              That, along with my sister’s diagnosis, is the main thing that’s led me to thinking it’s a possibility.

              After looking up symptoms, I identify with a few like chronic procrastination, forgetfulness, fidgiting, trouble keeping thoughts straight in my brain, constantly tired, get bored easily, can’t pay attention to someone even when they are talking directly to me, etc. I can’t even pay attention to what I’m saying. There are also other symptoms that I don’t really associate with.

              A lot of these things I have techniques to mitigate, but it’s often a daily struggle.

              • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
                38 months ago

                Hmm, sounds like it, definitely get it sorted.

                The daily struggle gets real exhausting.

    • @liv
      28 months ago

      Hmm can you post the case on your town’s buy/sell/swap facebook or the supermarket noticeboard?

    • @Ilovethebomb
      28 months ago

      I very much doubt it will come to that, there’s only a small handful of countries that have any positive feelings towards Hamas, and none of them are anything to be concerned about. Especially with a carrier strike group loitering in the area, just waiting for someone to start something.

      Currently, Israel is in the process of kicking the school bully’s head in, while their friends are stopping his friends from joining in.

  • @DaveOPMA
    58 months ago

    This morning’s problem was the pants weren’t holey enough. The three year old wanted the ones with the hole in the knee, but they wore them yesterday and they haven’t been washed yet.

    • @Ozymati
      38 months ago

      How filthy can a three year old get a pair of pants in one day?

      • @DaveOPMA
        48 months ago

        Is that a challenge? We don’t even get them dressed until after breakfast to try to get them to daycare in clean clothes.

        Daycare does all sorts of messy or wet activities, and sometimes it’s just plain old pee or poo. It’s pretty rare to have a kid returned in the same pants you sent them away in.

        • @Ozymati
          28 months ago

          Children are filthy. Noted.

          • @DaveOPMA
            38 months ago

            Yep. They are pretty gross all around, I’ve definitely changed my views on what counts as dirty.

      • @absGeekNZ
        38 months ago

        Wow…there is so much that can happen.

        We try to keep it to only one extra set of clothes in the middle of the day. We have had 4 sets of pants in one day…paint, playdoh, mud, water, food, food, food, food, brothers, boogers…the list can keep going on and on…

        Kids are just pure filth interposed with brief periods of cleanliness.

        • @DaveOPMA
          28 months ago

          Oh man the boogers! I knew I’d missed an important one. With ours, it’s notable when we go a week without a snotty nose. This kid has been worse than our others, at 2 we had a stretch of nearly 6 months with a drippingly snotty nose every day.

  • @liv
    8 months ago

    Hi guys! A bit late to the thread but checking in anyway. I recovered from the jab so I went and visited my family! It was so awesome to see them and hug them and spend time with them. 💛 I love them all so much.

    Now I’m on day 2 of recovering from that, but the worst is probably over so I’m hopeful I’ll be back to normal within the week.

    • @DaveOPMA
      38 months ago

      It’s never too late! Conversations sometimes happen on previous day’s threads.

      Hopefully your recovery will be swift 🙂

      • @liv
        28 months ago

        Thanks! I’m feeling pretty uplifted so spending the day in bed isn’t as bad as usual. 😀

        Your comments in here today got me reminiscing about playing in the mud as a kid. It’s like we’re magnetised to dirt and mud when we’re little.

        • @DaveOPMA
          38 months ago

          When I was little, my cousins and siblings would play in a creek, digging out “clay” and I’m sure we used to try to sell it (I’m not sure who to, each other?).

          I also have a 6 year old who loves to get naked and colour themselves in from head to toe. Just whenever they get bored. They have a lot of baths.

          • @liv
            28 months ago

            Probably actually was clay! Reminds me of when I was a kid and “Slime” was being sold in shops and we didn’t have any but we got actual slime from this pond and wanted to sell it (not sure who to either, but mum said no).

            Your 6 year old sounds super creative.

            • @DaveOPMA
              28 months ago

              It may have been actual clay! I only have loose memories but it was this grex colour and definitely had clay-like qualities. Pretty squishy and hard to form into something, but it was probably clay in some form.

              • @liv
                28 months ago

                Probably squishy because of the river?

                Clay’s malleability depends on its water content. If a ceramicist wanted to use your river clay they’d probably add more water so they could strain out impurities (sticks etc) then leave it to dry until it got to the right consistency.

                • @DaveOPMA
                  28 months ago

                  I wish you were there at the time, we could have sold it as real usable clay!

  • @KhanumBallZ
    48 months ago

    Beautiful sunny day today.

    Just rode down to the local NZ Post to ship another TradeMe purchase. I think at this rate I may be able to run an online retail business focused on delivering wholesale Chinese goods to kiwis who are willing to pay a couple of bucks extra to not have to wait months for shipping, or to pick it up at my front door.

    If I become a massive hit - I should be able to earn… half the minimum wage, I guess.

    • @DaveOPMA
      18 months ago

      I’m guilty of ordering off trademe when I don’t want to wait for aliexpress shipping. I’ve often thought it hardly seems worth your time to make like $1 or $2 profit on a cheap item.

  • @Fizz
    28 months ago

    Went back to reddit for the first time because I had an itch to see more people arguing over Palestine Israel. So many locked threads removed comments. First 50 comments I read are crying over some headline that wasn’t true. Man that site is such a mess.

    I went back to YouTube comments where the real juicy arguments are. Found a video of xqc trying to learn about the conflict and then watched his roomtemp iq fans battle it out in the comments.