Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So, how’s it going?

  • @DaveOPMA
    39 months ago

    It’s never too late! Conversations sometimes happen on previous day’s threads.

    Hopefully your recovery will be swift 🙂

    • @liv
      29 months ago

      Thanks! I’m feeling pretty uplifted so spending the day in bed isn’t as bad as usual. 😀

      Your comments in here today got me reminiscing about playing in the mud as a kid. It’s like we’re magnetised to dirt and mud when we’re little.

      • @DaveOPMA
        39 months ago

        When I was little, my cousins and siblings would play in a creek, digging out “clay” and I’m sure we used to try to sell it (I’m not sure who to, each other?).

        I also have a 6 year old who loves to get naked and colour themselves in from head to toe. Just whenever they get bored. They have a lot of baths.

        • @liv
          29 months ago

          Probably actually was clay! Reminds me of when I was a kid and “Slime” was being sold in shops and we didn’t have any but we got actual slime from this pond and wanted to sell it (not sure who to either, but mum said no).

          Your 6 year old sounds super creative.

          • @DaveOPMA
            29 months ago

            It may have been actual clay! I only have loose memories but it was this grex colour and definitely had clay-like qualities. Pretty squishy and hard to form into something, but it was probably clay in some form.

            • @liv
              29 months ago

              Probably squishy because of the river?

              Clay’s malleability depends on its water content. If a ceramicist wanted to use your river clay they’d probably add more water so they could strain out impurities (sticks etc) then leave it to dry until it got to the right consistency.

              • @DaveOPMA
                29 months ago

                I wish you were there at the time, we could have sold it as real usable clay!

                • @liv
                  29 months ago

                  Probably be clay millionaires by now!

                  • @DaveOPMA
                    29 months ago

                    Missed opportunity, I could have been Elon Musk if I’d had your advice back then!