I’m pretty sceptical about ground effect planes, there’s a very good reason why they’ve never really taken off, despite so many countries and organisations giving them a try over the years, but I’d love to know what everyone else thinks.

  • @absGeekNZ
    31 month ago

    Electric ground effect has a major advantage vs the jet turbine driven ones.

    It does not have to suck in massive volumes of air close to the ground…sea water is not good for jet turbines.

    • @IlovethebombOP
      31 month ago

      Sea water is a nightmare for anything mechanical, in my experience, but electronics can at least be sealed effectively. Usually.

      The biggest reason I’m so sceptical about this, is every other use case I’ve seen for electric vehicles or vessels has been something that’s already a proven concept. Cars, trucks, planes, harbour ferries, they are all a proven concept, we’re just moving to a different fuel.

      Ground effect planes, on the other hand, have never been proven with any fuel type.

      • @absGeekNZ
        31 month ago

        Good point… We will just have to watch and find out. Ground effect theory, and somewhat practice is sound.