Good on them, I hate these BS loyalty schemes, and typically avoid any store that offers them.

Milk it for all it’s worth I say.

  • @DaveMA
    25 months ago

    I assumed all these gimmicks were based on similar things from overseas, because humans love a gimmick.

    • @RecallMadness
      25 months ago

      There wasn’t much in the way of gimmicks in England. Most places seemed to be focussed on cutting expenditure via whatever exploitative or customer-negative ways so that they could shave another 10p off the price of a bag of carrots.

      But, there was actual competition so 🤷‍♂️

      • @liv
        45 months ago

        Pretty sure Australia has a lot of the same stuff.

    • @Venator
      24 months ago

      NZ is the perfect guinea-pig market to test out gameification gimmicks before risking deploying them in a more important bigger market.