Microalgae had caught the attention of scientists around the world for their extraordinary properties “and potential to create an abundant, high-quality natural protein source using only a fraction of the water, land and time of other types of farming”.

  • @Rangelus
    21 year ago

    I have to disagree with you. I’ve had BBQ crickets and they were absolutely delicious. 10/10 would eat again.

    • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
      21 year ago

      I had wasp larvae in icecream at Matakana, and they tasted like crunchy honey nuggets. Definitely would again. This was 15+ years ago though. Holy fuck I’m getting old.

    • @DaveMA
      11 year ago

      Maybe it was preparation! I had a muesli bar type thing. I didn’t realise BBQ was an option!

      • @sortofblue
        21 year ago

        Class trip to Wild Foods, anyone?