Microalgae had caught the attention of scientists around the world for their extraordinary properties “and potential to create an abundant, high-quality natural protein source using only a fraction of the water, land and time of other types of farming”.

  • @DaveMA
    21 year ago

    Cricket protein was (is?) also talked about as a future food source. I’ve had it and it does not taste good. Algae might have the same problem.

    • TaldenNZ
      31 year ago

      Time will tell how much other treatment is needed to make it palatable (or how much might need to be combined with other sources). Still, definitely worth the investigation.

      • @DaveMA
        21 year ago

        For sure! I just have an immediate bias because I don’t like companies using the media to raise capital funding.

        “Our product might be bigger than dairy” says startup company looking for investors.

    • @Rangelus
      21 year ago

      I have to disagree with you. I’ve had BBQ crickets and they were absolutely delicious. 10/10 would eat again.

      • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
        21 year ago

        I had wasp larvae in icecream at Matakana, and they tasted like crunchy honey nuggets. Definitely would again. This was 15+ years ago though. Holy fuck I’m getting old.

      • @DaveMA
        11 year ago

        Maybe it was preparation! I had a muesli bar type thing. I didn’t realise BBQ was an option!

        • @sortofblue
          21 year ago

          Class trip to Wild Foods, anyone?

    • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
      21 year ago

      I heard that too, and it’s not the taste or the ick factor, but I think the keratin (exoskeleton) as the main protein source IS high in protein but it’s not necessarily as absorbable. So not really a good replacement. Could be wrong, but pretty sure that’s the case.