Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So, how’s it going?

  • @terraborra
    75 months ago

    House went on the market this week and had first open home today. Really not looking forward to spending every Saturday and Sunday morning cleaning/tidying and then being out all day at open homes.

    • @DaveOPMA
      35 months ago

      Good luck! Hopefully you get a sale on the first day and don’t have to do it anymore 😆

      • @terraborra
        35 months ago

        That’s the dream but probably not reality. We’ve noticed a lot of places being relisted after their auction dates so assume there’s a high volume being passed in.

        Hopefully we’re a bit more realistic. The council was smoking something when they did the last RV and our minimum is about 25% lower than the valuation.

        • @DaveOPMA
          45 months ago

          The council valuation doesn’t mean much. They don’t care if it’s accurate, the idea is the make sure that the relative value compared to other houses is right. If everything is over or under valued, it doesn’t matter for rates purposes.

          Also, a year ago a very high proportion of auctions were closing without meeting reserve, and even without any bids at all. As a buyer, I don’t like auctions and have never bought at one. I want to put in conditional offers so I don’t waste my time.

          I know auctions are more popular in Auckland but I avoid them when I see them.

          • @terraborra
            25 months ago

            Fully agree that the CV doesn’t mean anything but a lot of people seem to cling to it. We know our place isn’t that great, was ok as a first home and that’s probably who it’ll go to assuming we get any offers.

            We somehow managed to pick our place up at auction but it was a nightmare as we had to try and coordinate the KiwiSaver first home withdrawal and the home start grant from housing nz. We’re pretty much skipping anything that’s advertised for auction as you can burn through cash quickly trying to get building reports and valuations only to miss out on the day.

            • @DaveOPMA
              15 months ago

              Fully agree that the CV doesn’t mean anything but a lot of people seem to cling to it.

              If I was looking at buying a house, I’d tell the agent “oh you’re expecting that much! But the CV is only XXX”, but when it came down to it, if the amount I was offering seemed too high then I’d just make a registered valuation a condition, it wouldn’t put me off.

              We somehow managed to pick our place up at auction but it was a nightmare as we had to try and coordinate the KiwiSaver first home withdrawal and the home start grant from housing nz. We’re pretty much skipping anything that’s advertised for auction as you can burn through cash quickly trying to get building reports and valuations only to miss out on the day.

              Exactly! Was talking to a friend who owns zero houses but has been looking for a while, and they were saying they had a company they normally use for building reports. I was a bit surprised they had got so many reports and not bought any houses, I’ve never got a building report done on a house we were looking at buying until after a conditional offer had been accepted, otherwise it’s an awful lot of money for nothing.

        • @liv
          25 months ago

          Good luck!

  • @evanuggetpi
    75 months ago

    After having some post stolen I’m putting up a 4g security camera later on when it cools down. Last year, someone knicked our neighbours’ post box. It had to be 4g as the mailboxes are about 400m from the house.

    • @DaveOPMA
      35 months ago

      Where do you put the camera so it doesn’t get smashed or something?

      • @evanuggetpi
        45 months ago

        High in a tree opposite. It also has a natty little camouflage cover.

        • @liv
          35 months ago

          Is it one of those trail cams?

        • @DaveOPMA
          25 months ago

          That’s cool. I’d also wonder if it not being visible makes it less effective (you don’t really want to catch someone stealing your post, you want them to not steal your post to start with). I’m wondering if a duel approach would help. Hidden real camera up in the tree, cheap fake plastic camera on a pole or something where it’s visible but not close enough that people can tell it’s fake.

          Though I’m no expert, I live in a quiet street where packages can stay on the doorstep in view from the street all day and I’ve never had an issue

          • @evanuggetpi
            35 months ago

            Also what I was thinking. There’s an honesty box setup from when they used to sell avocados, and there was a fake camera there so I was going to put it back for this exact reason.

            • @DaveOPMA
              15 months ago

              Ah good plan!

          • @Ilovethebomb
            24 months ago

            I’d love to print out a massive poster of the thief in action, something like an election hoarding in size.

            Now there’s a deterrent.

    • Lee Duna
      35 months ago

      Something I never understood since it never happened where I lived, why would anyone steal post box? 🤔

  • @liv
    5 months ago

    Another day resting on the bed. Hopefully tomorrow I will get to go outside and see how my swan plants did when I was away. From the glimpse of it I saw the other night, they one grow really high!!! :)

    The good news is MSD have silently reinstated my disability allowance. The bad news is there is no back pay, and the last letter I had from them was the one from back when they randomly cancelled it. I wish I had more ability to sort it out, but I might have to just take the hit on this one.

    • @DaveOPMA
      25 months ago

      MSD are so crap. Are there organisations that advocate to MSD on behalf of people? I feel like that should be a thing.

      • @liv
        5 months ago

        Yes, theoretically there are “advocates” from grassroots charities, but I think up here they must only be for much bigger stuff (like people who are made homeless or having their kids benefit taken and can’t feed them etc).

        I’ve never been able to get an advocate here for my issues, despite asking Citizens Advice and the legal aid people, and phoning the Auckland poverty action for recs. And to be honest I wouldn’t for something like this when there are people who need it much more.

        • @DaveOPMA
          25 months ago

          Oh right, there are so many people having major issues with WINZ that there aren’t any advocates left for the ones having more ‘minor’ problems. What’s that saying, “The measure of a civilization is how it treats its weakest” or something.

          • @liv
            25 months ago

            Oh well, I have to try not to take it personally because otherwise being in society feels very alienating.

            • @DaveOPMA
              25 months ago

              Oh for sure they are like this for everyone, it’s definitely not personal!

              • @liv
                5 months ago

                I don’t mean them, I mean, like you were saying, what they do to/for me is what our society wants them to do to people like me.

                • @DaveOPMA
                  25 months ago

                  I like to think that’s not the case. Most people are not bad people, and don’t wish harm on others. However, there is power in how things are presented, and certain groups (including certain political groups) present beneficiaries in a certain way. As a mob, people will have certain opinions, but if they knew the individuals, their opinions would be quite different. I think that’s a good reason not to take things personally, despite what people may say about beneficiaries as a group.

                  One reason (of many) why I want a UBI. They reckon breakfast clubs (free breakfast at school) can risk missing the kids that need it most, because kids don’t want other kids to know they need to go there to get breakfast. More effective is giving everyone breakfast, so no one feels like they are the odd one out.

  • @DaveOPMA
    5 months ago

    I’ve had a busy day at work, though it should taper off this afternoon.

    Also, last night my wife and I won Pandemic on the hardest difficulty (vanilla, 6 epidemic cards, one role each). It’s the first time we’ve tried it, last week we lost 2/3 on the normal difficulty. I think the secret this week was to actually pay attention to your super powers and the cards in your hand.

    Anyone got any exciting plans for the weekend?

  • @Ozymati
    25 months ago

    I’ve got Monday Tuesday and Wednesday off as annual leave. Mm non-holiday holiday

    • @DaveOPMA
      15 months ago

      Nice! Showing up those people who had a 4 day Waitangi weekend. You’ll have a 5 day weekend!

  • @NoRamyunForYou
    25 months ago

    Been pretty hectic and busy, so have naturally been a bit distant from Lemmy for a while.

    How’s everything going? Any breaking news?

    • @DaveOPMA
      35 months ago

      Honestly I can’t remember if anything interesting happened recently. I had a holiday 😆. We updated to the latest version, Lemmy 0.19.3. @[email protected] dislocated his shoulder. I think some stuff happened in the news 🤷

      • BlueÆther
        25 months ago

        thanks for the mention.

        ended up spending all week in Waikato waiting on CT then MRI to find out if they would operate on it, only to have the surgery put off today at lunchtime and then sent home foe the weekend - will get a date on monday when they will glue me all bac together.

        Running damage:

        • Dislocated shoulder twice in under 3 days, second time was just turning over in bed
        • fractured collarbone
        • bankart lesion/fracture
        • torn rotator cuff

        Kids, have someone stabilise you ladder - they can f you good

        • @DaveOPMA
          15 months ago

          Thanks, I think you’ve talked me out of ever climbing up anything higher than knee height…