Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So, how’s it going?

  • @liv
    25 months ago

    Oh well, I have to try not to take it personally because otherwise being in society feels very alienating.

    • @DaveOPMA
      25 months ago

      Oh for sure they are like this for everyone, it’s definitely not personal!

      • @liv
        5 months ago

        I don’t mean them, I mean, like you were saying, what they do to/for me is what our society wants them to do to people like me.

        • @DaveOPMA
          25 months ago

          I like to think that’s not the case. Most people are not bad people, and don’t wish harm on others. However, there is power in how things are presented, and certain groups (including certain political groups) present beneficiaries in a certain way. As a mob, people will have certain opinions, but if they knew the individuals, their opinions would be quite different. I think that’s a good reason not to take things personally, despite what people may say about beneficiaries as a group.

          One reason (of many) why I want a UBI. They reckon breakfast clubs (free breakfast at school) can risk missing the kids that need it most, because kids don’t want other kids to know they need to go there to get breakfast. More effective is giving everyone breakfast, so no one feels like they are the odd one out.

          • @liv
            25 months ago

            This is one of the reasons why I like KidsCan, when they give out raincoats etc everyone in the class gets one.

            I have some reservations about UBI because it seems to me that income inequality is a larger driver of poverty in a monetarist system and it might just prove inflationary. I’d like to see data from long-term trials. (On a personal level it would be better for me I think, but that’s not enough to go on).

            • @DaveOPMA
              25 months ago

              I don’t think there are trials outside short term, small group studies. One of the reasons I want it so badly!

              In my mind, you adjust taxes to offset the gain of cash from the UBi, with an intention of leaving everyone about even. This way it shouldn’t be too inflationary, if at all.

              I also question whether inflation that’s driven by handing everyone money equally would actually drive inequality, as opposed to the normal process which is for the businesses to increase prices and give the average person nothing.

              • @liv
                24 months ago

                When you put it like that if you used tax it shouldn’t be inflationary. Right, I’m voting for you at the next election!:)

                • @DaveOPMA
                  24 months ago

                  Hell no, I’m glad we don’t do write-in candidates 😆 (I don’t think? 🫣 )

                  • @liv
                    24 months ago

                    No, we don’t. Those are spoiled ballots.

                    (I do think we should do official vote of no confidence though and have a law that if it wins they need to recontest the seat.)