Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So, how’s it going?

  • @DaveOPMA
    105 months ago

    I finished my garden shed!

    photo of garden shed, short and fat, dark grey with cream trims

      • @DaveOPMA
        15 months ago


      • @DaveOPMA
        15 months ago

        I just noticed my shed matches the house 😆. A coincidence!

        The instructions for my shed were not as step-by-step as I had hoped. It had step by step instructions, but it wasn’t always clear which way around something should go, or where I should be drilling holes.

        I just took it slowly, and skipped parts I wasn’t sure about until it became clearer when other parts were assembled.

        It’s the first time I’ve assembled a shed, and I managed it fine, so I’m sure you can too. But take your time, I don’t believe I drilled any holes in the wrong place but there are many times I believe I almost did.

        You’ll also likely need a second person at some point, even if just to hold walls in the right place while you connect them.

        • @TagMeInSkipIGotThis
          25 months ago

          I just noticed my shed matches the house 😆. A coincidence!

          It looks really tidy!

          • @DaveOPMA
            15 months ago

            It does! It’s the only colour that was available 😆

    • @liv
      25 months ago


    • @eagleeyedtiger
      25 months ago

      I can’t tell entirely, but this looks like a good size for storing bicycles? Does it fit a standard size bike?

      • @DaveOPMA
        45 months ago

        Yes, it’s designed for fitting bikes or similar things. One of these

        I’ve got my mountain bike, three kids bikes, a balance bike, some skate boards, helmets, and a pogo stick all carefully stacked in there.

        • @eagleeyedtiger
          25 months ago

          It looks good. I might have to consider something like it if I can’t reclaim some space to store the bike in the garage, along with the kids bikes.

  • @absGeekNZ
    65 months ago

    I have been busy lately, my partner and I decided we needed to do a better job at knowing where our money is going…so we have started to compile a budget.

    I am writing a script to process the CSV files from the bank and turn them into a Beancount ledger. After a bit of trial and error, I decided to not use the built in methods for processing files, as I wanted more automation.

    My script uses Python/Pandas/SQLite to process the incoming files and automatically code each transaction into categories. From these processed files (95% done); I will produce the ledger format that Beancount wants.

    • @DaveOPMA
      45 months ago

      Nice! I use Excel and a VBA script to categorised things. It’s pretty much a VLOOKUP but done with VBA for speed, flexibility, and customizing.

    • @liv
      25 months ago

      That’s cool. We usually do one that covers a year but I just use exel.

      • @absGeekNZ
        25 months ago

        Started with spreadsheets… Then I discovered beancount

        • @liv
          15 months ago

          Maybe I should look into that…

          • @absGeekNZ
            25 months ago

            I’m getting close. My import scripts have a little massaging left, the auto allocation to groups it pretty much done.

  • @d3Xt3r
    5 months ago

    I’ve been playing around Cloudflare Tunnel on my mini PC these past few days, and it’s been brilliant. It doesn’t matter where my box is connecting from (work or home), I can still access my all my servers (Cockpit, Incus, Kubernetes, ManageIQ etc) from via my public domain. No need to update any IP addresses or any network config, no need to punch holes thru a firewall, no need for any port forwarding.

    Also switched from Hyprland to Wayfire and I’m loving it - it has a much better workflow for floating windows IMO, and who doesn’t love a good 3D spinning cube?!

    • @absGeekNZ
      45 months ago

      Ah the 3d cube desktop, I remember showing people this around 2010, most were still stuck running WinXP.

      The concept of virtual desktops and the visualizations that allows were mind blowing to them.

    • @TagMeInSkipIGotThis
      35 months ago

      i’ve been tempted to use that too, though overtime i’ve come to suspect Cloudflare as much as I do any other big provider. I then considered using Tailscale, but in the end just DIY’d my own Wireguard bc my setup for it is very small (ie just me until I can convince my partner she might want to access music/movies away from home).

      • @DaveOPMA
        25 months ago

        I use Cloudflare only for external access, and have a local IP set for my domains for access within my network so Cloudflare is bypassed.

        I have used tailscale on my phone, but it kills my battery when doing nothing. When my phone is running flat it would report 30-50% of the battery was used by tailscale, and I had barely used my phone that day.

        So now I have some things set up with Cloudflare, and some internal only I can access with Tailscale by temporarily enabling it and doing the thing I want then disabling again.

  • @liv
    35 months ago

    Hi everyone, hope you’re having a good summer!