Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So, how’s it going?

  • absGeekNZ
    11 months ago

    I think education and training will be where we see the biggest impact, as long as we can implement it correctly.

    Imagine an expert teacher, specifically tailored to your child, who knows exactly what they have done in the past and how they are tracking. Schools can focus on group work and the emotional needs of kids that allow collaboration and effective working together.

    When you are doing individual work; your AI tutor would be able to specifically meet your needs.

    • Axisential
      11 months ago

      Healthcare / diagnostics has huge potential - “AI” is really just advanced algorithms at this point and that’s exactly what drives a big part of healthcare. (Further) Automation of screening tests, combined with AI matching up patient histories etc could change the face of medical treatment, cut waiting times, improve outcomes, speed up diagnoses.

      I’m cautiously optimistic!

      • absGeekNZ
        11 months ago

        I am also mild optimistic about its use in aged care, there are a lot of lonely old people in rest homes. I know it is sad and not ideal, but we don’t have the resources to mentally stimulate them all.

        I see an advanced AI chatbot with a voice plugin module, used with wireless headphones. There could be a much better effort to mentally engage with the older folk; I know before my grandad died, he was stuck in an aged care facility, I didn’t get to see him that often, only when I was in the same city as him. He had a lot of very lucid days, even right up to the end, but he was bored.

        It would be quite nice to know that people even if they are not physically able, can still mentally engage. The chatbot could talk to them whenever they felt like talking, it could monitor symptoms etc…

        I know that old people currently use the doctor here as an excuse to have a chat, and that is telling.