My wife was incredulous watching this.

  • @jeff
    11 year ago

    Luxon is a joke even among the realest right-wing people I know.

    • David PalmerOP
      31 year ago

      And you would know. 😅

      I guess depending how far-right you are, Luxon is intensely milquetoast. He’s like a play-doh sculpture of a centre-right leader.

      I’m pretty far left so seeing him blub his way around these interviews is pretty satisfying, but it also makes me sad that he’s probably going to be our next PM. I guess I’d prefer incompetence over maliciousness though.

      • @jeff
        11 year ago

        It could go either way, depending on who votes and who doesn’t. I’m 32 and I don’t care for left or right politics. From my perspective, Luxon looks like an out-of-touch boomer, but he could get elected by swing voters. That’s if he can appeal to people who believe in careers and mortgages, and all that other wholesome stuff crap.