Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

It doesn’t have to be me making the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So how’s it going?

  • double_brown
    51 year ago

    Currently supervising 9 kids over for my sons 11th birthday party. It’s absolute pandemonium!

    • @DaveOPMA
      21 year ago

      Sounds like fun! (Not)

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    Good morning team! Still trying to figure out lemmy and kbin now that my app of choice is dead…

    I’m a little confused, I signed up on a different server/instance, I can’t login on the lemmy.nz instance but I can still post from the other server to it, is that right??

    • @sortofblue
      51 year ago

      That’s right. The instance you signed up to is basically your home base but you can still interact with communities on other instances and add them to your subscription list.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        Ah thanks. So does the home instance matter at all? Seems like not really as long as you can subscribe other instances?

        • @SamC
          6 months ago

          deleted by creator

            • @DaveOPMA
              21 year ago

              Honesty it is unlikely to be an issue, you could just sign up on a different instance at the time it becomes an issue (if ever).

        • @sortofblue
          41 year ago

          Each instance will have it’s own set of rules and moderation process (Beehaw is moderated and limits new users, lemmy.ml has a political angle etc) so it can make a difference. I signed up to lemmy.nz because I was already on mastodon.nz and am chipping in for server costs, and because I wanted a properly ‘local’ local feed. Plus the community here is pretty awesome.

    • @DaveOPMA
      41 year ago

      Yes, you use the instance you signed up on to interact with all the content. Lemmy is new so some things are a bit janky but if you have trouble feel free to post to [email protected]

  • @sortofblue
    41 year ago

    Yesterday I was off work sick and felt awful, but still had to leave the house for a family emergency. This morning I feel awful and still had to leave the house for a client who forgot to get their stuff from us yesterday and her life would have been ruined if I hadn’t rushed down to unlock the door.

    I’m home and I’ve left all the curtains closed and if I have to leave the house again today someone is gonna get stabbed.

    I did get a barista-made coffee while I was out though, so there’s that. They kept giving me funny looks because they hadn’t seen me in a mask in a while but I’m determined not to inflict this bug on anyone else.

    Hope everyone else is getting a better start to their weekend!

    • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
      41 year ago

      I had a wicked ass flu a few weeks ago. I couldn’t work or think for 2 days. I should have taken the whole week off work.

      Nothing you can do except wait for it to get better. Take the time off you need.

      • @sortofblue
        31 year ago

        Yeah, it seems all the bugs we avoided with social distancing are all back with a vengeance. Hopefully you’re feeling better now, it seems since covid every illness has a long tail.

    • @DaveOPMA
      21 year ago

      I hope today goes better for you! I got to (sort of) sleep in this morning which is nice.

      • @sortofblue
        31 year ago

        It’ll be fine, I’m just taking the opportunity to whinge. It feels like forever since I’ve been properly ill and my attempts at having a pity-party keep getting thwarted, lol.

        Sort of sleep-ins are better than no sleep-ins, so long as it wasn’t a disaster of some kind that got you up.

        • @DaveOPMA
          31 year ago

          Well, the sleep in was fine but people without young kids probably wouldn’t count 7:30 as a sleep in.

  • @sortofblue
    41 year ago

    Okay, I think I’m missing something really obvious, but how can I block an instance? When I go to their page via lemmy.nz there’s a word in the sidebar but it’s not clickable and if I load it directly there’s nothing I can see.

    • @DaveOPMA
      31 year ago

      Okay, I think I’m missing something really obvious, but how can I block an instance?

      Currently users can only block communities, not whole instances. But it is something that many people have requested so we may see it in future.

      When I go to their page via lemmy.nz there’s a word in the sidebar but it’s not clickable and if I load it directly there’s nothing I can see.

      Are you talking about “Block community”? This should work. It works for me.

      • @sortofblue
        41 year ago

        Honestly, community or instance would be good with me. I just checked on connect and there’s a button right there that did it instantly, while desktop is where I was getting stuck. I don’t mind switching to mobile for half a second if it’s going to save me frustration later.

        • @DaveOPMA
          31 year ago

          When you visit the page of a community, do you not see a great big red “Block community” button under where you join? It doesn’t show if you have joined the community or if you’re logged out, but otherwise it’s big and red and stands out for me.

          • @sortofblue
            21 year ago

            Well it’s working now, haha. The community that I was trying to block just had the text and no button. I’m blaming server load.

            • @DaveOPMA
              21 year ago

              Oh good! Maybe the trick is to refresh until it works…

  • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
    31 year ago

    Morena, I was waiting for this to come up!

    Well, it’s still shitty weather outside. Guess I’ll be perving at Bayonetta’s backside for s significant part of the day, I’ve almost finished my first playthrough.

    Discovered lemmyverse which is SUPER HELPFUL for finding communities.

    Does anyone know if it’s bad karma to rip a bunch of posts off reddit to populate some of the empty communities here so it doesn’t feel so dead to new users?

    Time for another tea. I’ve discovered that strong-as-all-fuck loose leaf tea is 10x better than coffee. Like MDMA is better than crack (idk I’ve never tried crack).

    • @sortofblue
      1 year ago

      Does anyone know if it’s bad karma to rip a bunch of posts off reddit to populate some of the empty communities here so it doesn’t feel so dead to new users?

      I think so long as you credit / link back to OP you should be fine. So far the new users are quite open about referring back to reddit for stuff, unlike ex-twitter users on Mastodon.

      • @RaoulDukeM
        1 year ago

        I don’t think it’s bad karma. I’ve spent years on Reddit watching other people’s TikToks, reading other people’s tweets, watching a repost of a repost of a repost of a video ripped from someone’s Facebook… If you give them credit, that’s more than most people get in the world of social media.

        Reddit has a way to embed posts and it would be cool if links to Reddit embedded the content here, but I don’t think that’s happened yet. If that happens, all you’d need to do is link to someone’s post.

        I was considering making a bot that automatically cross-posted stuff from Reddit, but it seemed pretty unpopular with the community. The more I think about it, they were right - a bot doing that was a bad idea for this community. I was thinking of setting up another instance with a bunch of communities that had the top posts from their respective subreddits, but I just haven’t got the time to figure all that out at the moment.

        But I’m going way off track. I think reposting stuff from Reddit is fine.

        Edit: @[email protected] - I meant to reply to your comment

        • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
          31 year ago

          Cheers, yeah I think it’s actually a really good idea to seed new communities with the top 20 posts from the previous subreddit. Gives a base to start from. Seems like there was mixed support on your linked thread.

          Will have to look at making a bot myself…

          • @RaoulDukeM
            21 year ago

            If you need any help doing it, there are a bunch of very knowledgeable and helpful people in the Lemmy.nz Matrix chat - #lemmynz:matrix.org. If you haven’t signed up to Matrix yet, there’s an NZ instance of it at mtrx.nz.

            • @DaveOPMA
              21 year ago

              Found this! https://lemmit.online/

              Perhaps the simple answer is to post in the request community asking for /r/newzealand to be added.

              • @RaoulDukeM
                21 year ago

                Oh, nice. Just requested it and their bot made the community almost instantly. Might put up a post about it here.

                • @DaveOPMA
                  21 year ago

                  Nice. Do we need guidelines about using it? Like sure you can subscribe, but what about cross posting to !newzealand?

                  Cross posts ok? Guidelines on not cross posting questions just links (articles etc) because the questions don’t come with the answers? Any thoughts?

        • David Palmer
          21 year ago

          FYI I don’t think we’re likely to get post embeds - at least on the official lemmy UI. Twitter+Facebook do it in a way that means they get to dump their tracking pixels all over the page, which is a privacy nightmare. Youtube at least uses an iFrame which doesn’t seem to have this issue.

          • @RaoulDukeM
            11 year ago

            I didn’t even think of the privacy aspect. Of course they put their tracking pixels there, ffs. I bet Reddit does too.

    • @DaveOPMA
      31 year ago

      Morena, I was waiting for this to come up!

      Anyone can post it! Even you!

      Does anyone know if it’s bad karma to rip a bunch of posts off reddit to populate some of the empty communities here so it doesn’t feel so dead to new users?

      I’m not sure if there’s an agreed way to do this yet, but one cool think about Lemmy is you can do a link and text in the same post. You could put a link to the reddit post in the body of the post so people can find the original if they want.

      Time for another tea. I’ve discovered that strong-as-all-fuck loose leaf tea is 10x better than coffee.

      I’ve never had stong as fuck loose leaf tea, does it still taste like tea? I really don’t like the taste of tea.

      • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
        31 year ago

        It tastes like extra strong tea lol I’m sort of desensitized to strong flavour so that’s how I can drink it. Once you’ve got over the taste of Kava, almost nothing can shock you.

        • @DaveOPMA
          21 year ago

          Haha I don’t know what I was expecting.