Featuring some art I did on a flat white I made.

  • @DaveMA
    31 year ago

    Nice! Latte art on a flat white!

    I’d like to learn to do latte art on a long black but it doesn’t really work too well.

    (Of course while writing my silly comment I had to search to see if anyone had done it, and found this)

    • nickOP
      1 year ago

      Yeah, there’s a whole lot of fun stuff you can do with black coffee and an espresso machine. Like an aerocano (where you basically foam the drink with ice to infuse it with air, it looks like a stout beer)

      Here’s me drinking an aerocano I made:

      • @DaveMA
        31 year ago

        Oh wow! I already had someone convince me into an expensive hobby this week, so I’m not going to go and buy an espresso machine, but if there’s anything fancy I can do with a plunger or aeropress then I’d give it a try!

        • nickOP
          31 year ago

          Yeah, the rabbit hole on espresso goes deep. I’m ashamed to say that the machine I made that drink with cost me over six grand 😢

          I’ve never actually used an aeropress but everyone seems to love them. You can make milk foam with a plunger though so you might be able to effectively do something similar to the aerocano.

          • @DaveMA
            31 year ago

            I’m ashamed to say that the machine I made that drink with cost me over six grand 😢


            I’ve never actually used an aeropress but everyone seems to love them.

            In my experience, an aeropress is a plunger that is easier to clean. I’m not convinced the coffee is any better than a plunger, but for sure Americans love it compared to drip coffee.

            I could try using a plunger to foam up my coffee, I’ll try to remember to do that tomorrow and see if it works.

            • nickOP
              31 year ago

              I’d probably want to put some ice cubes in the plunger to both cool it and provide some extra agitation when “foaming” it.

              My filter brewer of choice is the Hario Switch, absolutely love that thing.

              • @DaveMA
                21 year ago

                I forgot I already had coffee plans today, will try when I’m home tomorrow.

                I don’t really like filter coffee (or at least, I’ve never had something described as “filter coffee” that I liked). Might just have not had a good one.

                • @Ozymati
                  31 year ago

                  There’s filter coffee and then there’s pour over coffee. I personally like pour over - the water doesn’t stay in the grounds and get over bitter and the coffee itself is immediately consumed instead of sitting around getting overcooked.

                  But the great thing about coffee is whatever way you like to consume it that’s the right way.

                • nickOP
                  21 year ago

                  I would categorise aeropress as filter.