This one should have happened a long time ago, a lot of the resistance to state housing being built stems from the antisocial behaviour from a minority of tenants. Living next to social housing shouldn’t be something to dread.

  • @absGeekNZ
    33 months ago

    Agreed, we should be spending the communal load, rather than creating ghettos. Make it unprofitable for gangs to target are area.

    By concentrating the lower socioeconomic people into areas, it becomes a great place to target, not just for gangs, but payday loans, roving grocery trucks, look at the concentration of liquor stores in today areas Vs wealthy areas…

    • @liv
      23 months ago

      I agree. We saw this same thing coming with the terrible idea to start shoving homeless people into cheap motel rooms, essentially creating SRO (single room occupancy) units.

      Research from the US and elsewhere has found that SROs create a fish in a barrel situation that attracts drug dealers and all the criminal infrastructure associated with it.