Good on them, I hate these BS loyalty schemes, and typically avoid any store that offers them.

Milk it for all it’s worth I say.

  • @IlovethebombOP
    75 months ago

    Exactly, the amount of effort people will go to to save a buck is ridiculous. There’s a power company that lets you buy power in advance, with all these discounts. It’s been explained to me a few times, and always seems like far more trouble than it’s worth. Same with AA smartfuel etc.

    Some people really need to think about how much their time is worth.

    • @Venator
      45 months ago

      The worst is when people queue up at petrol stations for hours to save a couple of dollars… Like, why not ride a bike or walk or something instead of driving if you’ve got that much time to spare…

      • ColonialSpore
        45 months ago

        Yup. Exactly. The queue at Gull often extends down the road.

    • @liv
      35 months ago

      That last part reminds me I saw this today.

      • @IlovethebombOP
        35 months ago

        If it brings you joy, who am I to judge?