Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So, how’s it going?

  • @eagleeyedtiger
    58 months ago

    I mainly don’t want to end up like I’ve so often seen with older relatives getting stuck in one way of thinking and falling for misinformation easily.

    The world/universe/society/whatever is always going to change whether we like it or not and it’s up to us to remain adaptable and work with what we have rather than always pining for the “good old days”

    • @liv
      48 months ago

      Those older relations I’ve seen thrive in old age are mainly the ones who kept on being interested in the world, because that interest promotes engagement and learning. Like, using email at 100.

      • @eagleeyedtiger
        38 months ago

        Yeah that’s my aim too, try to keep up with the times and keep learning.

        • @liv
          38 months ago

          I think learning new things is also good for brain health, so it’s win-win. This conversation is making me think I need to get back into trying to have linux (after, like, a 20 year hiatus - I bet it has improved). :-)

    • @absGeekNZ
      48 months ago

      It really commendable that you don’t want to fall for the misinformation; some (or a lot) of the “good old days” are imagined / misremembered.

      I see this with my contemporaries as well as the older generation. I think “social” media has a lot to answer for; the volume of misinformation has gone from a trickle in the 80’s and 90’s when I grew up; to a torrent of; at the low end lies, to the upper end active manipulation of elections.

      Algorithmic information feeds constantly steering people to confirmation bias bubbles is something that seems to be happening more and more.

      I’m an optimist; I especially think that education is the answer to a lot of societies ills. But some days, it is hard to be an optimist.

      • @eagleeyedtiger
        28 months ago

        I recall that it’s been studied that social media has a lot of detrimental mental effects on people. I’ve stopped using most of it outside of lemmy/reddit.

        I feel as we get older life sort of falls into a routine and we stop learning and testing ourselves which makes us less able to handle the inevitable shifts in society. I have to remind myself that eventually my kids will be teaching me things and I have to be open to that, rather than the culturally ingrained idea that older generations always know more.

        I agree, education is important and helps to fight so much misinformation. And so is being able to learn from unconventional people and situations. Often we dismiss people who we don’t deem as smart/successful/insightful enough or we let personal prejudices decide that there is nothing they can offer. This can be a hard one to overcome too I find.

        • @absGeekNZ
          28 months ago

          I am the same; I stopped all social media for a while, then added in some Reddit for the technical stuff. I have moved to around 95% Lemmy now as my only social media.

          I like the people here; discussions are generally quite good and thoughtful. I really hope it stays this way as Lemmy grows.