The other day I met a guy from Chengdu, so I looked it up on YouTube. I also follow a modest YouTuber who uploads videos of Saint Petersburg when he goes for walks with his wife and granddaughter.

I’m not suggesting that Christchurch should look like one of these big cities with 10 or 20 million people, but could we please knock down that derelict building that’s next to the bus exchange? It has walls falling down, and graffiti everywhere. Then there’s the case of shipping containers on the side of the road.

These inner-city features give third world vibes. I don’t care what these buildings are, please destroy them.

We also need a city-wide land tax to encourage development. There are empty sections all around Christchurch that aren’t being used for anything (or they are just for parking a jetboat). I saw two properties in Sumner that are used for parking a jet boat, and there are places in Riccarton like Kirkwood Ave and Leslie Street, each have an empty section which has been empty for 20+ years. The central and local governments aren’t doing anything to solve these problems.

  • @BalpeenHammer
    110 months ago

    What could the council do? If they don’t own the land they can’t force the land owner to build a building on it. you really want to live in a city where the council tells people how they must use their land?

    • @schzztl
      8 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • @BalpeenHammer
        -110 months ago

        I wonder if the communist party of NZ is still active. It seems like they should have a successful recruitment effort here and elsewhere online.

        • @schzztl
          8 months ago

          deleted by creator

          • @BalpeenHammer
            010 months ago

            I don’t endorse what the USSR was if that’s what you mean.

            You kind of do.

            I do think it is worth questioning what value hogging finite land provides to society.

            Private property and property rights is the cornerstone of western culture. It’s what made our civilisation. It’s what gave you everything you have.

            • @schzztl
              8 months ago

              deleted by creator

              • @BalpeenHammer
                010 months ago

                yes. confiscating property will collapse society. Confiscating property by levying unpayable escalating taxes will also collapse society.

    • @jeff11OP
      110 months ago

      They could have such measure in place for 5 - 10 years and then get rid of it.

        • @jeff11OP
          110 months ago

          Tax land and encourage someone to actually build some damned houses.

          • @BalpeenHammer
            010 months ago

            How would a tax encourage building? That makes no sense.