Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So how’s it going?

  • @DaveOPMA
    511 months ago

    I was having a conversation about cooking with someone yesterday. I was saying it’s easy to make food taste good. Just follow someone else’s recipe. But they key part is when it tells you to add salt or butter, double whatever they say.

    That might not apply if using old time cook books when people didn’t care about their health.

    • @eagleeyedtiger
      311 months ago

      Also applies to garlic. 1 or 2 cloves? Throw half a bulb in. And go to an asian supermarket and get a big bag of MSG. Makes so many dishes better.

      • @DaveOPMA
        211 months ago

        We have a recipe that calls for half of a clove of garlic. What is this, a recipe for vampires? If I’m making a dish big enough to feed multiple people, there is no way half a clove will get you anywhere near close to the right amount.

        • @eagleeyedtiger
          211 months ago

          Haha! How many is the recipe supposed to serve?

          • @DaveOPMA
            211 months ago

            Hmm I’m not at home right now. We got it from someone else but I think it was originally a Bargain Box recipe. Probably was designed for 2 or 3 people.

            My assumption is they designed a 6 person recipe, then just halved it for the smaller size.

            • @eagleeyedtiger
              11 months ago

              Even so… a single clove of garlic for 6 people?? I’m imagining portioning out a clove into six slices for each person… they must not like flavour 😂

              • @DaveOPMA
                211 months ago

                It’s crazy! If you don’t like garlic don’t put it in! None of this half a clove nonsense.

    • @sortofblue
      211 months ago

      Yeah, healthy dishes is actually a very tiny separate section at the end and appears to be all stirfrys. Mostly, I’m a little concerned at how many of the desserts require alcohol but I’m nothing if not curious so I’ll be buying my first ever bottle of brandy next week.

      • @DaveOPMA
        211 months ago

        We have a bottle of brandy in the cupboard! Not sure who left it at out house, we tried drinking it but it turns out brandy isn’t our thing. I’ll have to research some brandy deserts, thanks for the idea!