Never wondered why Crysis is a Benchmark for your hardware? It’s made in Germany.
Goodbye Reddit, Hello Lemmy
Never wondered why Crysis is a Benchmark for your hardware? It’s made in Germany.
I mean my Minecraft Skin isn’t a normal skin and during early adventure, I slap that on, what I find. Also hats (from a mod).
Most people are laughing but I think it could get good, if they do it right. They actors need to reflect the wide playerbase. Jason Momoa could be the old school vanilla survival player, that played up to the early release version. The boy could be a modern MP minigame server player. Jack Black could be the Griefer/Anarchie player.
There is potential to make it good but they could easily screw this up. Minecraft is a game without a story and the only story Minecraft has, is from the players (and viewers of Minecraft YouTubers, without poiting out a specific one, due to obvious regional differences. I mean would you know a German Minecraft YouTuber and get the references?) and their memories. Without that, I don’t see how this can get good.
Probably people would struggle to scan the QR Code with their smartphone. I think most apps can scan it from a image but obviously this would be unsafe, especially when people sync their screenshot to the cloud.
I can 100% confirm totp exist for PayPal, because I’m using it.
I’ve never seen a USB-A to A cable in the wild, except recently, where I finally unpacked my SATA/IDE USB adapter from Ugreen.
Not Nextcloud. livesync is better. Requires CouchDB (Docker available) but with that, its a powerful sync option. Even Settings can be synced
It really depends. Whitespaces are something most languages don’t care. The only people who care are enforcing style guides. Level 2 is the same but there it start to get more critical, because can you be sure that it makes no difference? Level 3 is critical. While it can help to eliminate code that probably didn’t caused the problem, it makes a difference. In code review this can make a difference. If a specific Hex number is well known, like of example 0x4711 and someone changes it to 18193 or even Binary, information to the programmer gets hidden. And even in style this makes a difference. When you have a flag Enum, the thing to use is binary or bit shift, because both is readable. Decimal is readable to a certain point. 4 bytes is fine but at the 5th I don’t know them by heart and can’t even spot them. Level 4 is irrelevant, when its on top of the file and bothering to hide it, is not necessary. Also this can be relevant. For example a while ago at our company we had code that needed to work with .NET 2 and we had parts with .NET 4 and at some point, new files had the using for LINQ, that isn’t available in .NET 2. This happened a lot.
The best solution is to have options and let the person using it decide. What I’m missing is to add my own ignore list. For example with our XML files, we have a date in them. The XML Class is badly written, because instead of having one date attribute for the first node, we have them on all. This is pretty irrelevant to show in a diff, because its not even used. Rewriting the Class is a big task, because its a core feature and can break everything, when one thing is missed.
With a digital electric meter, I could read that out but I still have an old analog meter. But individually measuring devices is also appealing. HA allows for that. Opening the box would require an electrician and it only gives measurements per room or circuit. This may also be appealing to some.
I now look into ESP Home. I sadly didn’t found a clamp meter here that works outside the distribution box or require lose mains power but ESP has the option for clamp meters
Do updates switch the switch? I have Homematic IP plugs. They do work but had one update that switched my PC off but besides that, pretty reliable but expensive af. I don’t want to take a chance with important devices. Sure I don’t need to update the plugs but I have an urge to install updates.
I’m kinda stupid. I’ve seen these but they always show pictures within the distribution box. Here only certified electricians are allowed to open them. But I totally didn’t saw the option to just clamp it on a wire outside the box. I even asked Bing AI for help, because not everyone must sell on Amazon and Google Search just spits out the affiliate link sites, that suggests always the same popular options. 90% of the time switchable plugs.
Still switchable? Man I wish there would be a pure power meter plug available, with no switching ability. I would plug them into a lot of things. I know you could measure the whole power usage of a line or your home but that requires the right equipment (power meter) or an electrician to install it
We Germans had this a few years ago. Sky Ticket was more expensive than Sky Q and offered less. I went with an IPTV Sky Box in year 2, because Sky Ticket was cheaper in the first year. The IPTV Box does kinda suck though. I get Free TV in HD for free but no ability to record and no 4K and HDR option, though it even got announced a while back.
To be fair, Sky has some exclusive series or at least exclusive for a year or so, so its not a total waste. And you still get ads (I don’t speak about the sponsors on track). At least not during a race but right after the race during the inlap.
Dieses. Mache ich mittlerweile seit Jahren. Hatte nämlich mal zum Wahlsonntag ne Grippe bekommen und zum Wahllokal schleppen wäre ne Herausforderung und außerdem wollte ich nicht die Omis im Altenheim anstecken. Das Wahllokal war ein Nebenraum des Speisesaals/Aufenthaltsraum und man hätte da an die vorbei gemusst.
Seit dem immer Briefwahl. Da hat man genügend Zeit den Zettel aus zu füllen und zur Post zu bringen. Da kann ich den Sonntag schön entspannen.
Its not about knowing everything. You can know a lot but don’t have the skills. Cisco doesn’t make cheap products and screwing it up, it not good. Especially it can be easily done at the factory. Its not like it would cost them much more. I can get a holder for like 0.50 to 1€ per piece. There you must subtract 19% VAT and think in bigger quantities. On a per device basis, its not adding much.
They do this, because it adds up and they can save a lot of money. They make more money when a customer pays for a replacement or when a customer screw things up and needs to buy a new device. Its not something companies should be allowed to do. Also it would be even better if we don’t need to tell companies what they should do and they do it themselves. In fact a lot do this, because it doesn’t add much to the total cost of one device, but it makes the product better.
Also ein Durchmesser von 31,83km, in der Annahme dass es ein Kreis und keine Ellipse ist.
Wehrpflicht ist halt so Rückständig. Zu irgendwas gezwungen werden, ist einfach nicht mehr Zeitgemäß. Wenn man Volljährig ist, ist man die zwänge los. Gut die Berufsschulpflicht endet nicht zum 18., sondern erst zum Ende des Schuljahres, wenn ich noch richtig informiert bin. Erst wenn ich was will, muss ich auch was geben. Will ich kein Geld vom Amt, muss ich mir auch keine Arbeit suchen usw. Das Militär ist halt auch echt nicht gerade populär. So auf Krieg hat nicht jeder Bock und auch mit dem Unterordnen nicht. Und dann als Ersatz irgendwelche Arbeiten verrichten, auf die man kein Bock hat?
Wenn man wieder Leute braucht, sollte man einfach ein attraktiveres Angebot machen. In den USA wird ja einem durchaus die Schulbildung bezahlt. Man könnte hier auch was ähnliches machen. Wohnung, Führerschein, irgendwas lässt sich bestimmt finden, was die jungen Leute hinterm Ofen her holt.
When you know how rockets and jet engines work, because someone explained it to you but nobody explained how car works, people might just apply that knowledge to cars.
People expect that others are born with knowledge or that it magically appears in their brains. Its not that op is retarded, its his parents that forgot to teach his son some basic stuff. When I see memes with how bad the current generation is, they forget its not the fault of the generation, its the fault of the parents. When they don’t teach their children that, how should they do it?
Kein Witz, so ähnlich sah es bei einem Kollegen von mir aus. Als guter Freund habe ich ihm Aufräumen geholfen. Depressionen und so. Der komplette Boden war mit Zeug voll und man musste sich erst mit dem Fuß eine freie Fläche zum hintreten frei machen. Ich hab auf dem Boden gepennt, neben Müll. Beim Aufräumen habe ich eine Alditüte entdeckt, mit TK Essen und auf dem Kassenbon stand, dass es da seit nem halben Jahr lag. Ja der war Einkaufen und hat dann sein Essen nicht mehr gefunden. Übrigens ich war noch nie so froh duschen zu können.
Aber ernsthaft: wenn ihr eine solche Situation vorfindet, hat die Person Probleme. Ich kann da jetzt kein perfekten Plan geben, wie man reagieren sollte, aber da ich selber betroffen war und ein Kollege von mir auch, kann ich sagen, man sollte die Person unterstützen und auch durchaus aufzwingen und so tun als ob es einen nicht stört. Jemanden zum Profi zerren ist die falsche Option. Hilfe muss man wollen und wenn man sie nicht will, würde es eher passieren, dass man den Kontakt zu der Person verliert.
Docker is amazing but not needed. You can compare it to a simpler VM. You can take a docker and run it on any machine. You have an environment that is separate from your host and you and the container can only access it via defined points (volumes and ports).
Imagine you need to run a 2nd Mumble Server. I never set on up but its often that a 2nd instance is not that easy. With docker its easy. The only difference is that you need to use different ports, when you have only one network access or you use a reverse proxy. You can create a 2nd instance to test stuff, without interrupting your productive system. Its a security benefit, because its isolated to some degree and you can remove one easily.
I started using it with MSSQL Server, because I hated how invasive it is on a windows machine, especially I just needed it temporarily to do stuff with it. I’m not a microsoft admin and I know that Servers from Microsoft are a different level. Docker allowed me to start and stop it and remove it very easily. After that I started using it for a lot of and brought my NAS on the next level.
Also one thing worth mentioning are Linux Containerx (LXC). They are in Proxmox but I have less knowledge. It feels more like a full VM than docker but uses less resources. This is the reason why containers in general are more popular. They are less resource hungry than a full VM but have some benefits than running everything on one machine. LXC feels more like a full system, than docker. With docker you rarely get into the system. You may execute some commands, like a create user command or a one time job but don’t access it via a shell from the inside (its possible). LXC on the other hand, you use the shell.
Then use a dummy public repo. You don’t get the nice integration. We used Mantis Bugtracker at work for quite some time but switched to Gitea (a selfhosted Github clone) and are trying to get our testers to use it more.
Also you should keep one thing in mind: needing an additional account, might stop people to use it. With Github I contribute for even smaller ideas. When I need to make an account first, I wont do it. Or when they want to use Discord. I do have Discord but come on…
A service brought you by a human (usually I see bots do this): [email protected]
Its so you can stay on your instance and your viewer.