Mini-zombies are just broken.
Combat in general in MC sucks. Has any mod fixed that yet?
As a current GTNH player, I’d say that’s a tough task. I’m curious to see where it leads and if it establishes itself as a good alternative.
Is it one if those packs that just does not want to be played? Or are the other tiers skipped?
komplett weggeflext würde ich mal sagen.
This might just be my german way of saying zhings. The pack is just regrowth and I am playing it parallel to GT:NH as in “at the same time”. Sorry for the confusion
Still playing GT:NH off and on but I also started an old classic in parallel: Regrowth.
The ingredients are one thing but EV? Thats deep into midgame
Und besonders Assi: Auf den Straßenbahnschienen.
Warum einige wenige Menschen aufhalten, wenn du mit einmal Parken direkt 100 schaffen kannst?
Not at that specific time, no.
I love people in traffic thanking me, even if they had the right of way.
Happend to me this morning: I had to stop behind a parked car in my lane to let the guy in his lane go first past, he thanked me although I just followed the rules and it instantly put a smile on my face.
Weil die Stärke erst richtig abbindet wenn sie warm wird. Geduld ist gefragt!
Schön hinten noch den Ökokram mit den Pestiziden und irgendwas mit Impfungen eingebaut, damit man auch die Verrückten aller Lager anspricht.
Würd mich mal interessieren, wie diese kostenfreie medizinische Versorgung stattfinden soll… ach und die 85% Abgabenlast wer zahlt die eigentlich?
It took me half a year to get to MV (with a full time job and an active social life). Be aware of what you are getting into.
I went for a huge open floor factory hall with a second layer for fuel pipes underneath. Not sure if it is really necessary to think about layouts in advance.
Try it out. It IS the ultimate expert pack in my opinion and if you have played nomifactory before you know enough about gregtech to get started, although I have to say the two versions of GT differ a lot and I like the one from GTNH better.
Just play GT:NH for half a year and no pack will ever seem tedious to you again.
Out of the three I only played the original E2:E, I liked it, but stopped playing at late midgame/early endgame (I set up some automation for extended craftings pedestal thing and then stopped). Expert packs all seem to get tedious at some point. But so do kitchen sink packs.
I guess I’m saying: Just play a new pack. There are soooooo many packs to play out there.
Glad we are not the only idiots in the world.
Factory owners who built their success on the back of fossil fuels whining about them missing the switch to relevant markets.
It’s always the others who are at fault, never themselves. Those companies deserve to go bust. They deserved to go bust years ago, but the conservative government saved the car industry time and time again, until they could not save them anymore. In the meantime public infrastructure is rotting away. Schools are crumbling under the students asses, bridges are getting demolished so whole regions are cut off from the Autobahn network, trains are constantly broken because they don’t get maintained properly, poor people can barely afford rent and the nazis are back in the parliament.
What a great country to live in.
Das find ich jetzt aber albern.
“Der Grund dafür, dass es kostenlos ist, liegt darin, dass man nicht dafür bezahlen muss”