This government doing it’s best to ruin the country and our reputation overseas. Having said that I have witnessed too many acts of corruption to every buy that we were somehow more honest than other countries.

  • @liv
    42 months ago

    The fast track could affect so much stuff.

    We could end up with white elephant projects or worse, something super destructive from an overseas mining company that we can’t get rid of without opening us up to Investor State Disputes.

    It’s a return to Muldoonism but the global stakes are much higher these days, we can’t afford to play banana republic.

    • @BalpeenHammerOP
      52 months ago

      I think we should be ready to use the correct word for this which is corruption.

      • @liv
        32 months ago

        It really is.

        A useful wake up call for National supporters is to reflect on will they still be comfortable with this legislation when a Labour/Green government is in power and, say, Marama Davidson is the one who chooses which organizations to invite and picks the projects to rush through.

        • @BalpeenHammerOP
          22 months ago

          The know that Labour and Greens would not be this corrupt so they are secure in the knowledge that only their side will enrich themselves.

          • @liv
            12 months ago

            But it doesn’t have to be about enriching yourself.

            There are plenty of people on the left who want to save the environment by “any means necessary”. A fast track could come in handy for creating national parks etc.

            • @BalpeenHammerOP
              12 months ago

              There are plenty of people on the left who want to save the environment by “any means necessary”.

              Really? Plenty of people? Any means necessary? What percentage of the people on the left would advocate for slaughtering of babies in order to save the environment? how plenty is plenty?

              do you honestly believe a majority or even a significant portion of the left would advocate for global nuclear war to save the environment?

              • @liv
                12 months ago

                Oh my goodness I was joking. Of course not. The quotation marks around “any means necessary” were scare quotes to indicate an ironic use of the term.

                Relax, I’m not writing to Chloe Swarbrick to demand the use of the fast track to slaughter babies.

                I don’t see anything in our conversation above (or other conversations with you) that would indicate that I’m either criticising the left or else that I’m some kind of delusional homicidal fringe member of the left.

                Anyway, my idea of a witty comment did not work and tone is hard on the internet. Sorry. I think maybe I need to stay out of the politics section!

                • @BalpeenHammerOP
                  12 months ago

                  Anyway, my idea of a witty comment did not work and tone is hard on the internet. Sorry. I think maybe I need to stay out of the politics section!

                  Or maybe, just maybe learn what a joke looks like. That way when you say something no sane person would interpret as a joke you won’t have to write a post explaining your supposed joke.

  • @AWOL_muppet
    32 months ago

    I’ve been waiting for the external agencies to recognise we’re all talk lately. This is good (in a way), hopefully there will be some consequences, but I doubt it, or if so, it’ll be so delayed that these clowns will continue willfully ambivalent