I’m not saying anyone should, just that they would have ample legal funding if they did

Still haven’t seen any prosecution for when they blocked the motorway either.

  • @DaveMA
    123 months ago

    Honestly, I wonder what would happen if the media just stopped reporting in their antics. They paint over the pedestrian crossing, it gets fixed and a few guards posted but no media coverage, treated as a local police issue. Block the motorway, media mentions the motorway is blocked but doesn’t say who by or what they are protesting. Continue like this so they don’t get that media coverage they so desperately want.

  • @Ilovethebomb
    63 months ago

    Start handing out jail terms for these hateful actions, and see how quickly they stop.

  • David Palmer
    63 months ago

    Seems like an overtly political - not religious - action. Hopefully they once again lose their tax-exempt status.