The bones belonged to Elasmosaurs:

  • @Fizz
    41 year ago

    That’s neat. What a great find

  • @sortofblue
    41 year ago

    Usually photos of fossils just look like rocks to me but that is definitely recognisable. Imagine being the first human to ever slap eyes on it and know what it is.

  • gibs
    41 year ago

    Those fossils are absolutely incredible! Mind blowing that these have just been sitting there for 80 million years.

  • @DaveMA
    31 year ago

    This is really cool! Also really nice of you to add the pictures so we don’t have to go looking ourselves!

    To be honest I thought the title was referring to the fossils, like they were fossils of giants footprints. When it actually refers to a quote from someone saying all the rocks in the river were overturned by the cyclone: “It’s like a giant has walked down the stream-bed, kicking at rocks and boulders as if they were pebbles and turning everything over as he goes.”

    Probably deliberately picked to get you to click. It worked on me.