Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So, how’s it going?

  • ColonialSpore
    64 months ago

    Rode my bike, machined a widget on my lathe and mill, drank all the beers.

    In that order.

    • @DaveOPMA
      54 months ago

      I get the feeling that changing the order could end very badly, so I’m glad you chose that order.

      • ColonialSpore
        44 months ago

        Yeah. I don’t mess with powerful machines.

  • @terraborra
    54 months ago

    Copying a comment I made in one of the movie communities last night:

    Saw Dune Part 2 in a sold out imax screening.

    Just wow. One of the few movies that lived up to the hype and visually it is one of the most stunning films I have ever seen. The whole scene on Giedi Prime is otherworldly and sets the Harkonnens up as a malevolent force that is the complete opposite of the Atreides we see in the first film.

    Only complaint is that while the first part was 99% faithful to the book, part two drops to about 90% and also cuts out what I think are pivotal scenes in the book. Still it was never going to be easy to choose what to drop without turning it into a 4 hour movie and overall it all works incredibly well.

    • @TagMeInSkipIGotThis
      34 months ago

      I have to wait until i’m off on-call to go see it next week, psyched to watch it at the movies, and then at home as soon as I can find some service with a 4K HDR version.

    • @purrtastic
      34 months ago

      Sounds great. The books are some of my all time favourites but for some reason the first movie didn’t leave much of an impression. I’ll have to watch it again before seeing this.

      • @terraborra
        44 months ago

        Yeah I rewatched part one on Saturday because I couldn’t remember where it finished. What surprised me was how early in the story it wrapped up.

        I think because I’ve read the book so many times I’d created false memories of scenes that I thought where in part one but weren’t (e.g. Jamis’ water weighing ceremony). Doesn’t help that there’s the flash forward clairvoyance scenes jumbled in there as well. However, where those false memory scenes were included in part 2 they were much better than what I had imagined.

      • @TagMeInSkipIGotThis
        34 months ago

        Yeah I’m a massive fan of the books - have even read all of the spinoffs from Brian? Herbert to “finish” reading the universe.* And I enjoyed the movie for sure but wished it was more. But then i’d rather have these two pretty good Dune movies than all the other versions i’ve seen on screen before.

        *Assuming he hasn’t written more since the last lot I got.

  • @DaveOPMA
    34 months ago

    It’s that time when I’m (almost) out of coffee again. Any suggestions on something new to try? I’m just finishing a bag of Raglan Roast Brown Lightning.

    • @d3Xt3r
      24 months ago

      I’m not a big coffee drinker but I liked Havana Super Deluxe.

        • @DaveOPMA
          24 months ago

          Thanks! Any in particular?

          I notice they have one specifically for drinking black, which caught my eye.

          • @liv
            24 months ago

            Yeah I bet that’s good, they know their stuff. I’ve sort of lost track of it because I can only drink decaf now (boo hiss) but tbeir one with all the Colombian beans was always great and their Green Spot one.

            • @DaveOPMA
              24 months ago

              I drink mostly decaf anyway, except recently when we’ve had kids (and therefore adults) not sleeping so well. Though I’ve all but given up on drinking decaf black, it’s just not the same.

      • @DaveOPMA
        24 months ago

        I just remembered the bourbon barrel aged coffee I had last year, and went searching some something else unusual like that. I found pinot barrel aged coffee! https://beanmerchant.co.nz/product/pinot-barrel-aged/

        I’m not a wine fan but I’m considering trying it just to see what it’s like!

        • @d3Xt3r
          24 months ago

          That sounds interesting! Let us know what it’s like if you do try it out. :)

          • @DaveOPMA
            24 months ago

            I’m gonna do it!

  • @DaveOPMA
    14 months ago

    How were everyone’s weekends? I had a full weekend hanging out with family.

    I went to Kmart for the first time (gasp!) And everything was more expensive than I was expecting. Everyone talks about how cheap it is but it just seemed like normal budget priced stuff, the same prices you’d expect at The Warehouse. They had a different range of things, but they didn’t seem to be cheaper than normal.

    • @liv
      24 months ago

      It’s the same quality as The Warehouse but sometimes has better designs. I’d estimate it’s about 5% cheaper.

      Really depends on the item though. Eg Kmart is better than Warehouse for Crayola products, rip off versions of American Girl dolls, those storage bags you suck the air out of. The Warehouse is better than Kmart for sheets, tents and chocolate. Both of them are terrible for shoes but kmart is ok for slippers and Warewhare is better for fake crocs.

      • @DaveOPMA
        24 months ago

        Yeah the impression I got was that it was like the warehouse, but had a different selection of things.

        • @liv
          4 months ago

          Pretty much. People whose wallets let them have other options mostly go to them if they’re buying something that is the same quality everywhere (air beds, clothes drying racks, checkered tea towels, big plastic blanket bags with a tartan pattern) or just want to let loose on buying stuff like throws or letting their kids buy hair accessories or whatever.

    • @thevoyagekayaking
      24 months ago

      My experience with Kmart is most of the merchandise will be in the landfill in a few weeks, just the cheapest, minimum viability crap you could possibly imagine. The stores are also a disaster in terms of layout, usually messy, and the checkouts are in a stupid place. I hate going there.

      • @DaveOPMA
        14 months ago

        You’re right about the stores being confusing to navigate, and yeah that extended to the checkouts.

        I was there for a lego size sorting thingy (this one, though I can’t explain why they have giant wooden blocks in their photos that wouldn’t fit in any of the sorting holes).

        It seems OK quality (the plastic is perhaps a little thinner than I expected). I’ll see how it holds up.