Holy shit guys, second Terrace and Mt Vic tunnels! I wonder if trenching SH1 so Taranaki, Cuba, Webb, and Willis can pass overhead is a possibility? Eliminating that series of lights would make life easier for everyone.

I’ve spent over an hour getting from the airport to the Terrace tunnel before, something had to change.

  • abrokenjester
    1 year ago

    I’m not against either idea per se, but it seems to me that investment in better PT and cycling infra and otherwise encouraging people who are able to use it as an alternative to their car is the more efficient and future proof solution to reducing congestion. More car lanes just makes the place less liveable, and too often it just moves the choke point instead of eliminating it.

    It sounds to me like National is just doing its typical conservative “we’ll do everything like the 1950s because it worked for white men and appeals to egotists” spiel again.

    • IlovethebombOP
      1 year ago

      I mean, at least they will be doing something. The council has, frankly, pissed around for far too long.

      Besides, this project will largely be about getting traffic past the CBD, not so much in and out of it, so I’m dubious about how much of an effect public transport and cycling would have on traffic.