Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So, how’s it going?

  • ColonialSporeOP
    65 months ago

    I like to dip my Superwine biscuits in my coffee, but I get very upset when a piece breaks off and I have to scoop it out (usually with my fingers) before it gets too soggy and sinks to the bottom.

    Then, what upsets me even further is when this happens to each one in the packet.


    • @DaveMA
      55 months ago

      Haha sometimes I like to throw a few biscuits in then drink the sludge when I get to the bottom. Normally not coffee though, just to make an instant hot chocolate more exciting.

      I think I probably commit food crimes every day.

    • @eagleeyedtiger
      35 months ago

      I’ve been addicted lately to having a milky black tea after lunch and dipping some Krispie biscuits in it. They get soft pretty quick so it only takes a couple of seconds for a dip. I’m pretty adept at it now without losing any bits.

    • @liv
      35 months ago

      Yeah it’s a toss up whether it’s worth it. Basically unless it’s a gingernut I’m no longer willing to take the risk.

      • @DaveMA
        25 months ago

        Not like you can get a real gingernut anymore anyway 🙁

        • @liv
          25 months ago

          My partner made some that were pretty good, was probably from an Edmonds cook book.

          • @DaveMA
            25 months ago

            Well there’s a simple way to test if they were real gingernuts, how many teeth did you lose?

            • @liv
              25 months ago

              None, because hot chocolate.!

              • @DaveMA
                25 months ago

                I see you know how to eat a gingernut!

  • @liv
    65 months ago

    Hi everyone. Am resting today. It was 27°C in here last night, wtf.

    • ColonialSporeOP
      25 months ago

      I like it.

      When winter comes, you’ll be longing for it. :)

      • @DaveMA
        15 months ago

        I dunno. In winter you can put on more clothes, get under a blanket, or snuggle up with a pet. In summer once you’ve taken all your clothes off what can you do?

        • ColonialSporeOP
          5 months ago

          Put sprinkler on in the front garden and run through it like you did when you were a kid.

          It’s awesome!

          Edited: Yes, I did mean you should be naked.

          • @DaveMA
            25 months ago

            Haha I would, but, well, level two water restrictions mean no sprinklers. And without the sprinkler, it’s just a naked man running around on his front lawn.

      • @liv
        15 months ago

        :) I don’t think so. I may long for late spring and early autumn, but being too hot and too cold are both pretty terrible, especially if your body can’t regulate core temp adequately.

        Up here in the north it never gets properly cold though.

  • ColonialSporeOP
    35 months ago

    If you know about Spinal Tap, the mockumentary film This is Spinal Tap, and the significance of the number 11, then you will appreciate the fact it is the only movie on IMDB that has a rating scale up to 11. All other movies are rated 1…10.

    I just found that out.


    Why its funny

  • @eagleeyedtiger
    35 months ago

    @[email protected] how are you liking your Pixel 7 Pro? I caved and managed to get one off Trademe for $800. Still waiting on it to arrive though!

    • @DaveMA
      5 months ago

      That’s a great price!

      I installed GrapheneOS so it’s been quite an experience! But it works well. On paper it’s an upgrade from the Samsung S10+ I had, but I think real world use isn’t that different.

      The Samsung killed everything and so the battery was quite good, while GrapheneOS isn’t as bad so apps stay running in the background when I want them too, but also occasionally kill the battery. I’ve had to be more careful with which apps I allow to run in the background.

      I’ve noticed the battery life is similar to the Samsung despite the bigger battery on paper. I did buy used, but the phone self-reports battery health as “good”.

      All in all it’s a similar phone to my old one I think (despite the old one being about 5 years old). But I don’t regret it, it’s quite nice not having to have a Samsung account and a google account logged in. Apps from Google Play all work even though Play store is sandboxed and has no special OS privileges.

      Occasional bugs and crashes that are most likely due to using a custom launcher (home screen).

      • @eagleeyedtiger
        5 months ago

        Hmm yeah I’ve read about it not having that great battery life, however coming from the S9+ that only has a 3500mAh battery, I’m hoping it’s a bit better than what I use currently. It is a pre-owned phone with supposedly 100% battery health, but it’s also from one of those physical stores that primarily sells second hand and refurb phones/tablets with a 1 year warranty. So hoping there’s no major issues.

        Is GrapheneOS worth using if you do use a bunch of google services? 🤔

        • @DaveMA
          5 months ago

          Oh you should hopefully notice the battery jump!

          Is GrapheneOS worth using if you do use a bunch of google services? 🤔

          I would say not. Android, and especially Android on Pixels, is a Google ecosystem. When you don’t use many Google things like me, it’s hard to get away from them on a normal Android install. The OS is endlessly sending data about you to Google you’re forced to have a Google account, etc.

          When you are already using a bunch of Google services, Google already has all your data and you’re gonna like how your Google account is integrated into everything. So unless you are doing it for fun, I’d probably stick with the stock OS and get the experience they worked hard to design for Google users.

          • @eagleeyedtiger
            25 months ago

            Thanks, I suspected so. I’ll see how it goes!

  • ColonialSporeOP
    15 months ago

    Put sprinkler on in the front garden and run through it like you did when you were a kid.

    It’s awesome!

    Edited: Yes, I did mean you should be naked.