I’m able to set the default terminal using dconf-editor at this path:


in the Custom value field.

How can I add options to that, like a --fullscreen?

If I add options, it doesn’t work, like for this custom value:

cool-retro-term --fullscreen

  • palordrolap@kbin.social
    1 year ago
    1. Close dconf editor.

    2. Backup /home/yourusername/.config/dconf/user file just in case things break later.

    3. In a terminal: gsettings reset org.cinnamon.desktop.default-applications.terminal exec-arg

    4. Open dconf editor and see if the exec-arg entry is now visible.

    If not:

    1. Close dconf again.

    2. Terminal: gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.default-applications.terminal exec-arg "--"

    3. Open dconf editor and see if the exec-arg entry is now visible. Maybe it doesn’t show up if there’s nothing in it (which is strange, but I guess possible).

    Also "--" is usually a safe command line thing because it means “end of arguments” for most commands.

    You can try:

    1. Terminal: gsettings get org.cinnamon.desktop.default-applications.terminal exec-arg

    …to see if the entry has the double dash or not, whether or not it shows up in the dconf editor.

    Further things:

    Uninstalling and reinstalling the dconf editor might be worth a try.

    The gsettings command should be usable to set exec-arg regardless of what the dconf editor says.

    Restore that backup if things do go screwy. I can’t see any obvious reason why they would, but I can’t explain the dconf editor’s behaviour either.