cultural reviewer and dabbler in stylistic premonitions
when/where are the “built for LLM inference” (😂) datacenters being built where water consumption is not an issue?
Did you even read the second part of my comment before getting mad?
yeah, i did. you wrote:
So it should be easy enough to build them in locations that have easy access to cheap energy and large amounts of water
if you think it should be easy enough, what is your explanation for why datacenters are continuing to be built in locations where they’re competing with agriculture, other industries, and/or residential demand for scarce water resources (as you can read about in the links in my previous comment)?
Fuck I hate it when anything uses “water consumed” as a bad thing.
This water is not lost in any way, it’s just warmed up and evaporated. Which then falls as rain again.
oh, wow, yeah, evaporated water does fall again as rain 🤔
why didn’t anyone think of this before? so many wars could have been avoided!
finally, a hydrology understander has logged on to explain why water usage isn’t even a problem. thank you for clearing this up!
community creation is currently enabled here, so you could create one.
(this community is for requesting to become a moderator of existing communities with inactive mods…)
While USAID definitely funds/funded many ridiculous things (such as this) they also provide much-needed food and medicine to a lot of people - for cynical politically-motivated soft-power reasons, but still. It seems very likely that abruptly cutting off those programs will cause some people to die. I really hope someone (the PRC seems likely) will step in and replace some of those programs!
i don’t usually cross-post my comments but I think this one from a cross-post of this meme in programmerhumor is worth sharing here:
The statement in this meme is false. There are many programming languages which can be written by humans but which are intended primarily to be generated by other programs (such as compilers for higher-level languages).
The distinction can sometimes be missed even by people who are successfully writing code in these languages; this comment from Jeffrey Friedl (author of the book Mastering Regular Expressions) stuck with me:
I’ve written full-fledged applications in PostScript – it can be done – but it’s important to remember that PostScript has been designed for machine-generated scripts. A human does not normally code in PostScript directly, but rather, they write a program in another language that produces PostScript to do what they want. (I realized this after having written said applications :-)) —Jeffrey
(there is a lot of fascinating history in that thread on his blog…)
The statement in this meme is false. There are many programming languages which can be written by humans but which are intended primarily to be generated by other programs (such as compilers for higher-level languages).
The distinction can sometimes be missed even by people who are successfully writing code in these languages; this comment from Jeffrey Friedl (author of the book Mastering Regular Expressions) stuck with me:
I’ve written full-fledged applications in PostScript – it can be done – but it’s important to remember that PostScript has been designed for machine-generated scripts. A human does not normally code in PostScript directly, but rather, they write a program in another language that produces PostScript to do what they want. (I realized this after having written said applications :-)) —Jeffrey
(there is a lot of fascinating history in that thread on his blog…)
please put a link to the source in your post description!
(in this case, it’s https://existentialcomics.com/comic/418 )
It’s on F-Droid if you load their repo.
It is not allowed in F-Droid’s official repos because it is not open source; anyone can run their own F-Droid repo and distribute proprietary software from it.
Also it’s open source but I understand some people don’t like their license.
It is not open source; that is a term with an internationally recognized definition. Even FUTO themselves now acknowledge it is not.
there is a thread about the moderation of this thread here.
Thanks for editing, but I deleted your comment anyway because it was still just recommending something that is not open source.
fyi there is a thread here discussing the moderation of this thread.
deleted by creator