Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So, how’s it going?

  • @Ozymati
    65 months ago

    I’m an adult who can absolutely eat chocolate and popsicles for dinner. Right?

    • @thevoyagekayaking
      35 months ago

      One of the pitfalls of being an adult is nobody can stop you from doing just that.

    • @eagleeyedtiger
      35 months ago

      What’s the point in being an adult if you can’t?

    • @Venator
      25 months ago

      Depends, can you afford to spend that much on one meal?

  • @d3Xt3rOP
    65 months ago

    Finally, a bit of a respite from the sweltering heat here in Welly! Was about to turn up to work in my shorts but made a last minute decision to change into pants instead. Seems like a good call too, everyone else is also wearing pants here.

    • ColonialSpore
      65 months ago

      Yes, happy for a bit of cool weather.

      BTW, if you posted this in a UK based lemmy instance, it may confuse a lot of people. Pants = undies. Good to hear you’re not going commando! :)

      • @DaveMA
        65 months ago

        With the heat, it might be a good idea to go in your undies!

    • @[email protected]
      35 months ago

      People in my office seem to be showing up in shorts more often so I finally did it last Wednesday. It felt weird still but it was so much better and more comfortable.

  • @DaveMA
    45 months ago

    Kayaking this morning, a walk to Onetahuti bay in the afternoon, then a drink with a weka in the evening.


    photo of weka on ground in outdoor bar

    We kayaked 7km in 3 hours, which makes me feel a bit like @[email protected] except it’s a third of their speed but it felt like a long way!

    Also, does anyone know what this shell is? It was reasonably big, about 20cm longways.


    photo of broken shell

      • @DaveMA
        15 months ago

        I’m afraid I don’t know the right words, so I’ll try to describe it. They were 2 people kayaks, one in front and one in back with a rudder controlled by the person at the back. You sat inside them, not on top, and we wore a thingy that goes around your waist and over the kayak hole to keep your toes dry. There were 4 couples, plus the guide.

        Apparently the tide was perfect, we got a boost into the inlet with the last of the incoming tide, then a boost out when the tide turned. It was a tour so we stopped and talked about this or that regularly, and we also stopped on a beach for coffee so it’s not like we were paddling for those 3 hours, and it was a pretty casual pace checking out the scenery.

          • @DaveMA
            15 months ago

            Not sure how to tell, sorry! But my guess would be plastic.