Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So, how’s it going?

  • @Ozymati
    55 months ago

    Managed to catch my calf with the corner of the car door this morning. That’s gonna leave a mark…

  • @eagleeyedtiger
    45 months ago

    For some reason yesterday I was reading about ketchup on Wikipedia, apparently in the UK it was originally made with mushrooms instead of tomatoes, which has got me intrigued. I’m not sure I want to waste a bunch of mushrooms trying to make it, in case it’s gross. But I’ve never seen a commercial version of mushroom ketchup here before 🤔

    • @Ozymati
      55 months ago

      That sounds potentially delicious though

    • @DaveOPMA
      45 months ago

      Interesting, I didn’t know that! I guess it makes sense, tomatoes are native to the Americas so wouldn’t have been in Europe until relatively recently.

      • @eagleeyedtiger
        55 months ago

        Supposedly the tomato variants of ketchup didn’t appear until about a century after the other types.

        The first known published tomato ketchup recipe was in 1812, but the term ‘ketchup’ first appeared in 1682.

        Those are my ketchup facts for the day!

        • @TagMeInSkipIGotThis
          25 months ago

          Yeah, the OG things that eventually birthed Tomato Ketchup were basically umami rich fish sauces and came from China.

        • @DaveOPMA
          25 months ago

          Oh wow, I was expecting it to all happen a lot earlier than that! It seems tomatoes were in the UK in the 1500s but didn’t become popular until the 1800s!

          • @eagleeyedtiger
            5 months ago

            I’m guessing the varieties back then didn’t grow too well in the UK climate and would have been hard to get fresh imported tomatoes on slow ships

            • @DaveOPMA
              25 months ago

              I’m sure there’s a climate change joke in there somewhere.

              • @eagleeyedtiger
                25 months ago

                I know climate change is definitely bad… but if I could grow tropical fruit in my backyard year round it would be pretty sweet

                • @DaveOPMA
                  25 months ago

                  I think the obvious answer here is move to the tropics!

  • @NoRamyunForYou
    35 months ago

    Got some Cavius smoke alarms at the recommendation of @Dave. Havent installed them yet (Will be a friday evening Job :)). They look good.

    • @evanuggetpi
      25 months ago

      My smoke alarms have a nasty habit of going off in the middle of the night. I’m in a humid area, wondering if that is the cause or maybe something to do with the HRV pumping different temperature air over them.

      • @DaveOPMA
        25 months ago

        Smoke alarms normally say not to install within X distance (50cm maybe?) of a duct. Not sure if that’s because of dust or heat, I know our DVS gets big circles of grime around them from what I assume is grubby ceiling air (even though it has a filter) that needs cleaning every few years. Hard to see if you’re not up close, though.

        Humidity might be an issue, because I was silly enough to put a smoke alarm where shower steam would reach (our house has a weird layout) and it would set off the smoke alarm. However, I’ve never heard of just generally humid air being a problem, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t.

    • @DaveOPMA
      25 months ago

      Nice! Good luck!

    • ColonialSpore
      5 months ago

      I considered those, but I’ve read some bad reviews. Friend of mine had them all through his house and said none of them lasted more than about 2 years. He’s technical like me so I take his word on them. But, I’ve read good things too. May have to try a set for myself. Don’t throw your receipts away in a hurry.

      • @DaveOPMA
        25 months ago

        I did the house half in the Cavius ones and half in the Orca ones (both from Mitre 10). Must have been about 5 of each. The Orca ones mostly died within a year or two, probably the batteries (which are replaceable but I couldn’t find anywhere selling them). One of them was DOA, when I put the battery in it, the alarm went off until I pulled the battery out.

        The Cavius ones are still going strong. This was perhaps 3-4 years ago, though some are newer since I replaced most of the Orca ones (actually, I was dumb enough to buy more Orca ones first, because I could just fit them into the existing brackets so I didn’t have to do much work, but then when they died again, that’s when I replaced them with Cavius).

        I did some research on smoke alarms the other day, and my conclusion is that they all have bad reviews to some extent. I guess like any electronic, they have a reasonably high failure rate, so it’s probably pretty common for people to have a bad experience (my bad experience with Orca may likewise be a fluke).

        • ColonialSpore
          5 months ago

          Fair points. But as I said, it’s probably worth getting some for my own use and having a bash.

          My main motivation with this is to do work me assisting in a house fire across the road from me. I never believed how fast a fire develops. Its fucking scary let me tell you. The more warning you can get the better. My house has a smoke alarm in every room, kitchen, lounge, and garage.

          But just as important is having MULTIPLE fire extinguishers around the house. I’ve seen how far they really go in a real fire. You need more than one or two. You don’t want to watch a fireman dressed in full gear with breathing apparatus dragging a hose in through your front door.

          That whole episode was a serious eye opener for me. Luckily, quick action meant they didn’t lose their house!

          So, $120 bucks for two or three isn’t a factor.

          • @DaveOPMA
            15 months ago

            The legal minimum (for rentals) and the fire service recommended number of smoke alarms are vastly different. Like you, every room has a smoke alarm except bathroom/toilet. We have heat ones in the kitchen and garage and regular ones elsewhere.

            Thanks for the reminder about fire extinguishers. My plan had always been to buy another every few years so they were different ages, but I’m sitting here with only one in the house because I never got more. I should get on to that.

  • @DaveOPMA
    35 months ago

    Friday today. My two eldest have been with my mum this week, coming back tomorrow.

    Last night my wife and I played Five Tribes for the second time. I got my butt kicked, so I’m going to have to pay more attention next time.

    • @Ozymati
      25 months ago

      So how’s the gameplay on Five Tribes?

      • @DaveOPMA
        5 months ago

        Just getting used to it, but once we googled for some clarity on the rules it was good (the rules say “turn” to refer to a round of each player having a turn, as well as referring to an individual player’s turn as a turn. In addition, in a two player game each player plays twice in a round, leading to further confusion about things you can only do once per turn).

        I don’t have a sound strategy yet (clearly). It looked a bit complex when setting up but the base gameplay turned out to be pretty straightforward once you got your head around it. I think there may be some deep strategy involved, and not too dependent on luck, which is good. You claim spaces on the board, resource cards, djinns, palaces, palm trees, different types of people (meeples) as well as coins, and have to balance your strategy between them while trying to shoot down the other player’s strategy. Scoring is done via their special score pad because it’s got so many different ways to score, but you only add up at the end.

        It does need a fair bit of table space, though.

        • @Ozymati
          25 months ago

          Hm, might watch for a chance to play this