• jlow (he/him)
    66 months ago

    That sounds like shite behavior from the council but (I know this is cliche) it is physically painful for me as a German to look at this wonky-ass stairs __

    Living in the UK atm where I have plenty of opportunities (on council-build stairs!) to exaxtly know absolutely weird it feels to walk down stairs where every step is a different length (and sometimes also height), like stumbling through a nightmare …

    Still better than no stairs, obviously …

  • @liv
    66 months ago

    I don’t understand why that second step is a triangle not a parallelogram.

  • @Ilovethebomb
    56 months ago

    It sounds like he’s done a solid job of lighting a fire under the council, so good on him I say.

    • David PalmerOP
      6 months ago

      Better to ask forgiveness rather than permission.

      Edit: how did I get that backwards?

    • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
      76 months ago

      I want to back this guy for that reason, but also… steps have regulations for a reason. The spacing, relative height, angles, it’s all exceptionally important.

      If anything, this highlights the absurdity that some dude can build this in his free time for next to nothing, while the council takes 20 years and $20k and 20 board meetings.

      • @Longpork_afficianado
        26 months ago

        Would you rather slightly irregular steps, or a muddy slope with no steps at all?

        • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
          26 months ago

          The steps are surely better than a politically correct muddy ass.

  • @[email protected]
    56 months ago

    This is the kind of national news we need!

    Honestly, if he didn’t make the first 5 steps so inconsistent it wouldn’t have been bad at all.

    I can’t see the handrail being too high in this case (but I’m just another armchair Muppet), it’s just the way the top of the stair is basically a game of hopscotch