Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So, how’s it going?

  • @sylverstream
    67 months ago

    Stressful here, my brother has been in an accident in our vehicle, someone else at fault. However still waiting since Tuesday to hear from our insurer AA with next steps. Really don’t want it to be totalled.

    • @liv
      27 months ago

      Oh no I’m sorry to hear that. Our car got totalled because repair cost more than the car but it was still a good car and didn’t have any chasis damage. Really annoying.

      • @sylverstream
        47 months ago

        It’s a bit confusing how it works. We have comprehensive insurance for an insured amount of $35k, so they say they will pay either the repairs, or $35k. But if we had 3rd party only, there is no insured amount, they would just get the money from the 3rd party insurer; think then it’s just market value.

        We’ve now realised that the price of similar cars has gone up so our insured amount won’t pay for the same car. If we had 3rd party only, think we would have been better off.

        • @[email protected]
          57 months ago

          At the end of the claim, you should have your car back in the same condition it was prior to the accident. If repairing it is going to cost more than the vehicle’s value, then you should get its market value. Comprhensive cover (insured amount) should only come into play if you are the at-fault party.

          Your insurance company will be chasing the other party’s insurance company for the costs of getting you back on the road. Sometimes, your insurance company is the other party’s company, as well. In this situation, they are meant to stay impartial and look after you both as well as possible. That can be an issue though when they are chasing themselves for the costs of the accident. Don’t let them mess you about with insured value of the vehicle if you weren’t at fault.

          Make note of what they are saying (literally: with a pen and paper), and the dates/times of the calls. Be clear that you expect to have the vehicle repaired or replaced. This is precisely what you are paying all that money for for and the whole purpose of their existence. If they refuse, take your notes and go to IFSO.

          • @sylverstream
            27 months ago

            Thanks for your insights! Yes I’ve found it weird they keep referring to the insured amount.

            Will keep it in mind for further comms. Thanks again for your detailed post, this is all new to me.

          • @liv
            27 months ago

            They say they are going to chase the other company for payment.

            In practice, many of the insurers in New Zealand have knock for knock, agreements with each other, meaning @[email protected]’s company will actually pay their own costs and the other party’s company will pay the other party’s, regardless of fault. But they don’t usually tell customers that part.

            • @sylverstream
              37 months ago

              Thanks that’s insightful. I had the idea they would pay for it. But perhaps the 3rd party is also with AA I don’t know.

              • @liv
                27 months ago

                The concept is they pay for it. It’s just the reality is all the knock for knock crew don’t ask each other for money.

        • @liv
          27 months ago

          If it helps, I had third party fire and theft with AA and they wanted to just give us their book value instead of our agreed value (since it was the other party’s fault our agreed value didn’t come into play) which was super annoying since their book value was only half the agreed value - which they had set in the first place. So you are probably much better off having full.

          • @sylverstream
            37 months ago

            That’s odd, as a test I did a quote for 3rd party and they don’t ask for insured amount.

            How long ago was it? Can you still raise a dispute?

            • @liv
              27 months ago

              About a year ago. Dispute was raised and settled to my satisfaction but in future I will always query the insurer’s book value if I have to do a third party fire & theft with agreed value.

              Kind of annoying because you don’t want to underinsure.

    • @DaveOPMA
      17 months ago

      Is it the one with the scratch?

      • @sylverstream
        27 months ago

        You’ve got a good memory. Yes, it is.

        • @DaveOPMA
          17 months ago

          Hope you hadn’t got around to fixing the scratch. And I hope your brother is ok.

          • @sylverstream
            37 months ago

            And sorry, yes brother is okay. Felt sore the next day, but nothing major.

            • @DaveOPMA
              17 months ago

              Oh that’s good to hear!

          • @sylverstream
            37 months ago

            Thanks! Nah, didn’t fix it yet, but will get it done at the same time, assuming it’s not total loss. It’s annoying to wait days :(

            • @DaveOPMA
              17 months ago

              Sounds like they might have hit the wrong part of the car. I was hoping you might have saved yourself $800!

    • @Ozymati
      17 months ago

      If you have full insurance totalled might be simpler than repairs

  • Luke Allen
    57 months ago

    @[email protected] just working from home while my Company figures out why they’ve decided to block half of NZ’s Local Authority GIS sites when working in the office 😆

    • @DaveOPMA
      57 months ago

      Oh man I remember the days where IT would screw up and you’d get to go home early and do nothing, or go to the pub with colleagues while they worked it out.

      These days everyone just gets sent to work from home. I guess you win some, you lose some.

        • @DaveOPMA
          27 months ago

          Thank you for your sacrifice.

          • @[email protected]
            27 months ago

            You’ve actually just reminded me of the opposite:
            I can think of one occasion where we (the IT nerds) were down the pub after work on a Friday evening when the authentication servers died. This was in dial-up days. All a little tipsy, and minus the expert on this system we had to go back to the office, learn how radius worked and figure out why users couldn’t get online. The backlog of them was large also, so the radius servers were getting hammered. Not a fun friday night.

            Then there was another occasion where we (same IT nerds) were down the beach on a Sunday afternoon. Being at the beach, none of us were answering phones. I forget what was wrong this time, but we weren’t popular the next day work. Given that none of us were being paid to be on-call, I don’t feel at all guilty about this incident. I think it actually lead to the company making up a formal on-call roster.

            So, computer stuff breaking leads to IT people being called in to the office. It sorta sucks, actually.

            • @DaveOPMA
              27 months ago

              Your problem is you’re IT support. IT projects, for the most part, are Monday-Friday 🙂

      • @Ozymati
        27 months ago

        At least I can WFH in extremely comfortable but very unprofessional clothes while lying on the couch.

        • @DaveOPMA
          27 months ago

          I can remember reading all the memes about people wearing business shirts and no pants for their online meetings.

          I remember reading these, and realising when COVID hit and everyone was suddenly working from home full time, I did not consider, even for a second, that I might be supposed to wear business clothes. Straight to jeans and Tshirt. I didn’t even think about it until the memes came.

  • @d3Xt3r
    7 months ago

    [Welly non-rant]

    Continuing on my comment from yesterday, on the bright side, I’m loving some of the new food options in town. Has some amazing chilli oil dumplings yesterday, as part of Dumpling’d new revamped menu (which now includes a lot more than just dumplings). I’ve never seen carrots and cucumber being added to chilli oil dumplings before, so they were a surprise but welcome addition. Their Chongching noodles were also pretty yum.

    And for lunch today is a substantial empanada and salad from Puro Chile (18 Willis St). I’m so glad that they’re back, after their hiatus when Grand Arcade went under construction a few years ago.

    • @DaveOPMA
      27 months ago

      Oh it’s been years since I’ve been to dumpling’d! I’ll have to make a point of trying them out again.

      Your empanada photo looks like it should have been entered in the “looks like a face” photo competition from the other week :)

  • @NoRamyunForYou
    47 months ago

    Yuss!!! Finally got Fiber lol.

    Next question - Anyone have some experience between 300Mbps vs Gigabit Fibre? Any noticeable difference? It’s just the two of us (though we have some family coming over over xmas), so I don’t think we generate that much traffic.

    • @RecallMadness
      37 months ago

      I don’t think I use it often. But for an extra $10/month. But I think it means when I’m downloading something at 30Mb/s (ie just under 300mbit) I don’t notice it.

      • @NoRamyunForYou
        27 months ago

        Good point - not much increased cost tbh. I’ll see how we get on, and see if our usage patterns have changed. Previously, we never really felt any limitations with 300Mbps fiber.

    • @DaveOPMA
      37 months ago

      We had gigabit for a while when I got a sweet deal but went back to 300Mbps when that ended as we didn’t really notice the difference in everyday usage.

      • @NoRamyunForYou
        27 months ago

        Good to hear :)

        Having that 1000 speed sounds sexy, but in reality, not too sure we would benefit from it at this point.

        • @DaveOPMA
          37 months ago

          I think it depends on how you use it. Maybe if you’re big on torrent seeding it might get used, but other than downloading a game on Steam it hardly mattered. And even then, the download would regularly pause waiting for it to write to disk because even with SSDs they couldn’t write to disk as fast as it was downloading. I think maybe it makes more sense for large households where many people will be using it at once.

          • @NoRamyunForYou
            27 months ago

            We don’t really find ourselves downloading much of anything - mostly just games for the partner. Everything else seems to be streamed these days. I might revisit at a later date if our habits change 👍