Laser kiwi on the right, obviously. But what creature is on the left?

  • DaveMA
    1 year ago

    With the direct link to the image you should be able to see it better. I’m not sure that helps though.

    What it is, is it’s an image generated by DALL-E, an image generating AI. It’s like the image equivalent of ChatGPT, and made by the same people.

    I tried a bunch of prompts, until I used up my 15 free credits, then I picked the one I liked the most. Here’s the prompt that generated this image (which isn’t really what shows in the image):

    A 3d render of a lemming with a kiwi in the background with green lasers coming out of it's eyes

    The more I tried different prompts the more I was convinced that DALL-E had no idea what a lemming was.