And note taking in general I guess.

I have recently started playing around with logseq. It seems interesting, and hopefully it will help me out with some tasks at work and in private. However I have some issues I need feedback on.

  1. How should I turn my notes into a readable report. Currently I’m working on making a list of stuff that’s not working in our department at work. So I now have a good list of stuff in #WorkImprovements. But I feel like rearranging some points and edit things a bit. Can this be done easily in logseq? Or is it better to import my notes and write the report in a different program.

  2. A lot of my stuff is currently just rambling thoughts in the daily journal. I just wanted to start writing stuff down to play around with the app. But it seems like it can get a bit overwhelming if I continue with this. How do you deal with old notes from finished tasks. Or just rambling ideas that you have moved on from.

Seems like a great program overall. But I clearly need to improve my note taking habits to make full use of it.

#Edit. The post didn’t seem to show up in the thread. Trying a edit instead of reposting to see if that helps.

    1 年前

    I’m a Logseq novice, but I’m happy to help workshop ideas.

    If you’re just editing order and organizing thoughts you can reference blocks between pages with ((double parentheses)). Those could be as their own line/bullet, or even in-line with other text. So with that you could make a new page (or block in your daily journal) with new text summarizing your findings and block references to pull the previously taken notes in whatever order works best for you.

    If you want the existing notes to be referenced but also cleaned up for presentation you could do that and use block references as mentioned, or you could use an Alias to link to the block while preserving its content. It depends on how you want to cite yourself, so to speak, and if you want to preserve your existing notes word for word.