Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So, how’s it going?

    • @aerir
      29 months ago

      This is awesome, thanks @[email protected] ! I need that infinite scroll for my doom scrolling Will ping the rest of the frontend and update you if they are broke.

      • @DaveOPMA
        29 months ago

        I should probably set up a status monitor but I haven’t got around to it 😑

        • @aerir
          29 months ago

          No worries, we’ll make noise here if any of them goes down. Doubt these 3rd party frontends will have significant impact to the community, if they ever go down :)

          • @DaveOPMA
            29 months ago

            If you’re used to using one of them, it would be pretty annoying to suddenly lose it! Luckily they don’t have many moving parts, so they are generally pretty stable and if they go down a restart is normally enough to get them up and running again.

    • @SamC
      6 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • @DaveOPMA
        29 months ago

        Nope! It would be nice to have some level of data, even if it’s just page loads, but I don’t right now.

        Maybe you can get URL based stats from cloudflare, but I can’t see a way to do that (on free tier).

  • @Axisential
    49 months ago

    Wild, stormy day here on the West Coast - big thunderstorms around 8am which was quite exciting. Think I’ve got work under control, which means I might be able to join the rest of the fam for a few days in Dunedin. Gotta be happy about that :)

    Due at work about midday, so currently chilling with the NPR Explosions in the Sky concert on, loud!

    • @DaveOPMA
      19 months ago

      You’re in the business of caving tourism, right? What do thunderstorms mean for it, cancellations and lost income?

      • @Axisential
        29 months ago

        Yup, got it in one. I have some very strict operational levels for the two waterways we deal with - today was a tough call, as when I checked them at 0730 we were still well within operational, however looking at the forecast I decided not to risk it and cancelled both trips proactively. Was a great call as the rain came in hard and by about 11AM the river was in a screaming flood. Worst case would have been some disappointed tourists (as our systems virtually eliminate the possibility of getting stuck in the cave by rising water) but still better to cancel early than give them half a trip. So yeah, a couple of $K of lost income for the day, but I am always happy to err on the side of caution.

        • @DaveOPMA
          19 months ago

          I presume it’s expected at this time of year. Spring in my experience tends to be a season with a lot of rain (and yet also a lot of sun), and I think of the West Coast as being a reasonably wet area (with no basis for that, because I’ve never been there).

          • @Axisential
            29 months ago

            Yup, definitely our wettest and least settled period here. And you should plan a visit - it’s a stunning part of the country!

            • @DaveOPMA
              9 months ago

              I’ve seen scarily little of the South Island. A bit around the top, and one trip to Christchurch pre-quake where I flew in and out. I plan to do a bigger trip one day, just haven’t got there yet.

  • @DaveOPMA
    39 months ago

    Had a party yesterday! One of the kids made invitations and I helped them bake a cake.

    Unfortunately it was just us (on account of all the COVID) but we had cake so it was a good party.

    We literally just had cake so I’m not sure what makes it a party rather than just eating cake.

    • @[email protected]
      39 months ago

      Hope the ‘Rona isn’t causing you all too much discomfort. I’m sure the baking of the cake, and making the invitations was all part of their fun. The being in isolation part is good guidance for protecting others as well as themselves.

      • @DaveOPMA
        9 months ago

        We are doing ok. A few of us have had a day each feeling wiped out but have bounced back pretty quickly, and luckily my wife and I had different bad days.

        The invitations and cake were definitely part of the fun. It started during last week when visiting grandparents, the kid decided to make invitations to a party and give them to the grandparents. Then I got asked about baking a cake and so we planned that for Saturday. The plan was to have one candle per person and you would each blow out one, but we ended up with about 15 candles and it was impossible to blow out one at a time.

          • @DaveOPMA
            39 months ago

            They are fine, but there has been a lot of extended family around recently including some who ended up testing positive for COVID so that’s probably where it came from.

  • @aerir
    29 months ago

    Happy vote week(s) everyone

  • @NoRamyunForYou
    29 months ago

    Been looking to offload a few (mainly photography geared) bags, and was wondering how shipping would work for the bulkier backpack types. Better to just look at selling local for pickup etc for those maybe?

    • @DaveOPMA
      19 months ago

      I think you can get shipping estimates from most couriers by using calculators on their websites. Trademe also gives you estimates when creating a listing. Then you can let buyers pick if they are willing to pay for postage or pick up (if they aren’t too big to post).

      Beware trademe has discounted prices so you have to do the courier though their site to get the quoted shipping.

      • @NoRamyunForYou
        29 months ago

        Hmm, shoulve kept a few extra boxes from when we moved haha. Shipping costs don’t seem to be too bad, as long as the dimensions dont go past the threshold into the “bulkier” goods category