Hello peeps. I wear specs and usually update my prescription every 2 years. This means I have quite a few sets of quality spectacles laying around in the desk drawer that I no longer use. This got me thinking: there must be heaps of people who can’t afford specs who could benefit from some free ones. Where can I donate these specs? It must be to some organisation that gives them out for free. People must NOT have to pay for them! I’m in Auckland.

Any ideas welcomed, thanks.

  • DaveMA
    1 year ago

    Lions club collect them! https://www.lionsclubs.org.nz/services/vision

    I originally thought of the Fred Hollows foundation, but it seems they don’t take them anymore as it’s now cheaper to make new ones than sort donated ones. But they suggest Lions or dropping them in to Specsavers, who send them to Lions as explained on the FAQ.