Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Yes, I created the daily today just to say how good the new kiwi icon looks, but feel free to chat anything that takes your fancy.

Today is Friday, what are your weekend plans?

  • @NoRamyunForYou
    91 year ago

    I’m giving Lemmy a go, as I was an avid Apollo user. Have people on here noticed a noticeable uptick in engagement in here and across Lemmy in general?

    • @DaveMA
      81 year ago

      We seem to get bursts, then some really active users we never hear from again. That’s expected though, people are trying stuff out. Reddit starts charging unreasable amounts for their API tomorrow which will kill most 3rd party apps, so I’m expecting another uptick (which may have already started).

      Lemmy.nz has a group of core active users and others come and go, I’ve noticed a lot of new users in the past few days, especially new users posting and participating which is great to see!

      As others have said, to get the proper experience you need to interact with communities on other instances. Just going to Communities->All and browsing the ones with the highest active user count can give you a good selection. Or even just browsing the main All feed, look for posts you like, and see what community they are posted to. Lemmy.nz has a slow trickle of content but if you look at All there is plenty of content to interact with.

      • @NoRamyunForYou
        51 year ago

        Haha, hopefully I stick around :) Yeah, that’s what brought me along to finally give it a go, as I was using Apollo.

        • @DaveMA
          51 year ago

          I hope you do stick around!

          I’m very fussy about apps so I’m still mostly using the website on my phone, but there is a list of android apps here from the [email protected] community.

          • @NoRamyunForYou
            51 year ago

            I’ve been using WefWef today as it’s based off of the Apollo app UI, and apart from a couple of bugs/wants, its been great so far 👍

            • @DaveMA
              1 year ago

              I’ve seen that but it seems to be struggling with it’s popularity! It’s self-hostable, I wonder if it’s the sort of thing you could run a version of for the instance. E.g. wefwef.lemmy.nz could be a wefwef frontend that prioritises the lemmy.nz page for logged out users, but otherwise works the same.

              Edit: I went and did it, you can now access wefwef.lemmy.nz

              No warranties express or implied

              • @NoRamyunForYou
                41 year ago

                That’s pretty cool! Total noob is this regard so I probably wouldn’t have even been able to do it myself haha

                • @DaveMA
                  1 year ago

                  The basics of self-hosting stuff is pretty simple once you get used to it. But it is one of those things that you need a high tolerance for frustration because you will spend hours banging your head against the wall wondering why something isn’t working, then either you realise you made a silly mistake, or it suddenly starts working and you have no idea what changed to make it work.

              • @z2k_
                41 year ago

                This is awesome but FYI it’s recently been updated to 0.6.0.

                • @DaveMA
                  1 year ago

                  Haha wow, I thought “I only did it an hour ago, how could it not be the most recent!” But then I see 0.6.0 was released 15 mins ago. I’ll update it :)

                  (done BTW)

        • @surfbum
          10 months ago

          deleted by creator

            • @surfbum
              10 months ago

              deleted by creator

                • @surfbum
                  10 months ago

                  deleted by creator

                • @surfbum
                  10 months ago

                  deleted by creator

      • @DaveMA
        41 year ago

        As that site is struggling at times, we are now also running our own instance of wefwef at wefwef.lemmy.nz

        • nick
          41 year ago

          Oh interesting. It’s a progressive web app, so you can install it on your phone which removes the need to worry about the performance of whatever site was originally hosting it.

          I suspect a lot of people are just browsing it via their web browser?

          • @DaveMA
            41 year ago

            My understanding is that progressive web apps still rely on the site’s server, it’s basically a way to show the website as fullscreen like it was a native app, though there are a few things that PWAs are allowed to do that a normal website doesn’t.

            The nornal Lemmy site is a PWA as well, so that can be installed the same as wefwef.

            • nick
              41 year ago

              Only for the initial download depending on their service worker (annoyingly it’s super site dependent). I’d need to see dev tools to be sure but I’m pretty confident all the JS assets and stuff are being served locally from my phone.

              There’s a distinction between being able to install a site to your homescreen, adding a shortcut to the site (which opens in full screen), and installing a site to your homescreen which uses their service worker to effectively be a full local server for the site.

              Setting up the service worker for my note taking app was very painful haha

              • @DaveMA
                41 year ago

                Interesting! I guess it depends on the site as to whether anything needs to be processed on the server.

                I’d think typically most JS and images are cached in the browser for any site though, right?

                • nick
                  41 year ago

                  In general yes, although the root HTML document might not be.

                  Service workers can do more than caching though, it’s effectively a full web server just for that web app that runs on your device. If it’s installed I’m pretty sure the data they have will never be cleared by the OS unless you uninstall the app too.

    • Kiwiguy
      61 year ago

      @NoRamyunForYou @sortofblue I have found engagement across the whole fediverse to be better quality.

      The number of comments I get is higher than Twitter or reddit, despite the number of likes being lower.

      • @NoRamyunForYou
        51 year ago

        Yeah, really enjoying the community type vibe going on around here. Feels more like you’re having a conversation with a group of people. Excited to see how it all goes

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      Yeah, I’ve been using it for a few weeks now and it seems to be growing steadily. I joined on lemmy.world at random because I didn’t really understand how it all works at the start. But that instance and the NZ one seem pretty good, there’s some good discussion and few dickheads.

      It’s not as big as The Other Place of course, but it’s gaining popularity slowly. And tbh, I wouldn’t really want it to be massive - I like the slower pace, and it seems more welcoming being a smaller community.

    • @sortofblueOP
      31 year ago

      I’ve only been on lemmy for a few weeks so I’m really not sure but I think next week is going to see a decent jump in numbers.

      How are you finding it so far?

      • @NoRamyunForYou
        31 year ago

        Obviously overall engagement and the number of communities? (Equivalent of subreddits) is a lot lower, but hopefully there’s a bit of an increase in the coming weeks? Got quite a small community vibe to it at the moment, which is seeing me want to engage more in my “local” communities. Might be a bit of a Goldilocks zone in the coming weeks/months where there’s enough engagement, but not full on Reddit levels.

        • @SamC
          6 months ago

          deleted by creator

          • @NoRamyunForYou
            21 year ago

            Yeap! Slowly finding my feet in this place, trying to find the equivalents of what I was subbed on before.

            • @2dollarsim
              21 year ago

              I think that community is on nsfwlemmy

          • @TimeTravellingMonkey
            21 year ago

            I’m preferring it. Obviously people like what they like, but the Reddit I fell in love with 12 years ago has steadily declined in terms of the ability to have a decent conversation, so I’m loving the small community vibe here. Definitely going to be interesting watching it evolve!

    • @z2k_
      21 year ago

      deleted by creator

  • @DaveMA
    91 year ago

    It’s great to finally have an icon for this community! We still have a couple of “naked” communities but the majority now have icons and banner images. It’s looking good!

    As boring as it sounds, my weekend plans are likely to be Lemmy related. I’d like to run some tests using Ansible to deploy Lemmy (automated rather than manual install) and then test using Ansible to update Lemmy. I’ve been getting a lot of help from @[email protected] with that but there’s not much more that can be done without me having to get my hands dirty myself.

    Lemmy 0.18.1 release candidates are being released for testing so I’d guess we will get an official release this weekend based on the last few weeks.

    And all this will only happen given time, since weekends mean kids are at home in need of entertainment! And school holidays are starting this weekend (last day of school today).

    • Aaron
      31 year ago

      Lemmy related question: I was looking at a GitHub list of instances, with user counts, blocked by and blocking numbers, etc, and saw that lemmy.nz blocks 1 other instance. What instance and why?

      Also, cool to see us so high up on that list when sorted by users!

      • @DaveMA
        31 year ago

        What instance and why?

        Lemmygrad.ml, because we don’t want that in our All feed.

        There are worse instances, but if we start seeing things against our code of conduct in the All feed then I’ll add more. We want our instance to be welcoming and friendly.

        • Aaron
          21 year ago

          Cool! Yeah I’ve heard of that one. Was that the one everyone was banning a week or two ago, and they were all upset about it?

          When browsing that list, one of the top ones by users was Lemmy NSFW, but I’ve never seen a post labeled NSFW on my All feed, and I just checked both apps I’ve used (Jerboa and Liftoff) and they both have show NSFW enabled. Is that filtered or do they just have a lot of users and nothing gets posted up promoted enough to be seen? I’ve seen stuff from most of the other top instances fairly frequently.

          By the way, for those interested, here’s what I was looking at: https://github.com/maltfield/awesome-lemmy-instances

          • @DaveMA
            31 year ago

            Cool! Yeah I’ve heard of that one. Was that the one everyone was banning a week or two ago, and they were all upset about it?

            Nah, lemmygrad.ml has been around for years, is run by the founding devs of Lemmy, and is part of the reason some people refuse to use Lemmy (especially if their reasoning is the devs). You’ll find quite a few people with that viewpoint on Kbin.

            When browsing that list, one of the top ones by users was Lemmy NSFW, but I’ve never seen a post labeled NSFW on my All feed, and I just checked both apps I’ve used (Jerboa and Liftoff) and they both have show NSFW enabled. Is that filtered or do they just have a lot of users and nothing gets posted up promoted enough to be seen? I’ve seen stuff from most of the other top instances fairly frequently.

            When I go to the All feed right now, and choose “Top Twelve Hours”, I see one from that instance on the first page. However, it only has 85 upvotes compared to the hundreds for the top posts so maybe they struggle to get visibility.

            By the way, for those interested, here’s what I was looking at: https://github.com/maltfield/awesome-lemmy-instances

            In case you’re interested, the instances blocking hundreds of other instances are likely doing one of two things.

            1. Blocking instances with thousands of user accounts and a small number of active users - there has been a spam bot boom the last week or so. These instances are often genuine but the default lemmy settings make it easy for bots to sign up. Even here I had one overnight period with 8,000 bots signing up, then I spent a while playing with settings so that we could have open registrations (they were closed for a couple of days in the last week trying to get it sorted.
            2. Some instances are finding that failed attempts to contact other instances can lead to performance problems. e.g. if an instance used to exist and someone from that instance subscribed to a community, then your instance will keep trying to push new posts to them (and try again if it failed). So I have seen some starting to block lots of instances that used to exist and no longer do so that Lemmy doesn’t keep trying.

            Both of these are likely to become an issue for us at some point, but we seem to be small enough and flying under the radar enough that neither have required too much action.

            • Aaron
              31 year ago

              In case you’re interested, the instances blocking hundreds of other instances are likely doing one of two things.

              Both cool insights, thanks! Also wow… 8,000 bots in a night lol… thanks again for running this instance, I’m sure I’m not alone in saying I appreciate it.

              • @DaveMA
                31 year ago

                Not a problem, and yes you’re not alone, lots of people say that lol

          • @DaveMA
            21 year ago

            BTW I just learnt that all instances have a /instances page that tells you who the site is federated with, and also who the site has blocked. Here’s ours: https://lemmy.nz/instances

    • @z2k_
      31 year ago

      Why ansible and not the current docker deployment?

      • @DaveMA
        51 year ago

        Ansible does use docker, it’s almost the same thing but automated.

        The main driver originally was because the ansible setup seems to be kept up to date where as following the manual docker install instructions leads to many things not set up right because they haven’t been kept up to date (admittedly it’s getting better).

        The update instructions are pretty brief. It basically says to update the docker tags to point to the new version. This did not work for 0.18.0 because there we other changes. Having an ansible update process would hopefully make things easier in terms of updates. It also means the setup would be exactly like what they expect, currently we have a few differences (e.g. reverse proxy running traefik in docker).

  • @DingoStealingBaby
    71 year ago

    Kia ora! Another Apollo refugee just wanting to say thanks for the mahi getting this up and going, probably going to be mostly lurking though!

    • @surfbum
      10 months ago

      deleted by creator

    • @DaveMA
      11 year ago


  • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
    61 year ago

    Pretty shitty weather in Tamaki Makaurau. Guess it will be gaming, and if I can, a bike ride between storms.

    • @NoRamyunForYou
      41 year ago

      I did quickly read an article this morning that said El Nino should now be coming into full effect. Should bring a bit of a drier spell hopefully?

  • @SamC
    6 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • @AlRascala
      41 year ago

      Yeah…temptation got the better of me and I bought four games off of my wishlist. Should keep me busy for a while haha

    • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
      41 year ago

      dude. I couldn’t help myself and bought a game a couple days ago, completely forgetting about the sale. Now it’s 70%. I could have saved $24. fuck.

      • @SamC
        6 months ago

        deleted by creator

        • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
          31 year ago

          Neither, the wishlist is always getting bigger, never smaller. I highly recommend Inscryption and Bayonetta if that’s your jam

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    Halfway through the workday, yay. I have no firm plans for the weekend and I’m very happy about that. Except maybe to go to the gym and maybe go out to eat some nice food somewhere.

  • @TimeTravellingMonkey
    41 year ago

    I’m a Kiwi based in Melbourne so the work day has barely started for me yet, bleurgh! Just got back from a wee jaunt up north in Mangawhai where it rained buckets but it didn’t seem to affect the collective mood of my old Otago uni mates.

    Weather is going to be crap here. Assuming I can’t take the wee fella out on the bike (my son, not a euphemism for anything else), I’m probably going to be spending the weekend on a whole lot of Linux admin chores (some work, some personal) and a wee bit of gaming. Steam sales are depressing when I realise I’ve already bought everything. I really have a problem!

  • @RaoulDukeM
    41 year ago

    Thanks. I’m glad it worked out. It was a good idea. But I still want to tweak it slightly because I’m a perfectionist.

  • @Fizz
    31 year ago

    I’m so sick 😫. On holiday and I’ve been vomiting with diarrhea all day and night. Basically clutching a bottle of water and a bottle of pocari sweat for dear life.

    Going to try eating food today but I have no appetite and will probably throw it up.

    • @sortofblueOP
      11 year ago

      Oh no! Hopefully it’s a 12hr and not anything much longer. Plain crackers and lemonade popsicles were always the go-to when were sick as kids but I don’t know why.

      Hope you feel better soon!

      • @Fizz
        21 year ago

        Its been going 24 hours so far and I’m stuck in a small Japanese hotel room. With 2 others.