Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So, how’s it going?

  • @catsdoingcatstuff
    69 months ago

    Nice morning for a walk here. Saw someone driving down the street with their food on the roof of the car. Couldn’t get their attention though. Maybe they will get lucky, or maybe it’s a good day for takeaway?

    • @DaveOPMA
      59 months ago

      Monday mornings! Why do we even bother, we should have working hours distributed across the week in a bell shape, starting later on Mondays and finishing earlier on Fridays.

      • @d3Xt3r
        39 months ago

        This was basically me at one of my previous companies - we had flexible hours, so we could start late on a Monday and finish early on a Friday - and most of us did. Boss was cool with it as long as we got our 40 hrs in at some point in the week.

        • @DaveOPMA
          49 months ago

          This is actually me now. I have very flexible hours. I generally work from home 8 hours each day between 7am and 6pm. I make sure I get to all my meetings, but otherwise, if I want to go spend an hour doing a lemmy upgrade or trying to figure out why the site keeps dying each night (seems to be fixed!) then I just do it.

          Why I have this flexibility but still choose to start work at 7am on Monday, I’ll never understand.

  • @Axisential
    59 months ago

    Kids were on go-slow this morning - just about missed the bus. It’s like herding kittens some days…

    • @eagleeyedtiger
      39 months ago

      Funny how they can always get up at the crack of dawn on the weekends though.

      • @Axisential
        39 months ago

        Hahah, yep. And somehow with all this energy and enthusiasm that’s completely absent during the week!

    • @DaveOPMA
      29 months ago

      Oh man, it’s like that almost every day in our house.

  • @liv
    9 months ago

    Day 21 of my recovery. I actually cooked dinner last night, so that’s a positive. It did wipe me out though. But I feel like it’s all going nicely.

    • @DaveOPMA
      39 months ago

      That’s good to hear!

      • @liv
        29 months ago


  • @sortofblue
    49 months ago

    The day started off in a mad rush but had settled down hopefully. With any luck this week will fly as fast as last week did.

    Is the politics tag still in use? I have it muted but have noticed a big uptick in the amount of political articles the last week or so. To be expected at this point in an election year I guess…

    • @DaveOPMA
      9 months ago

      Yeah the [email protected] community is still being used, but there are definitely more politics posts leaking into !newzealand.

      Happy to hear thoughts from anyone as to whether this is ok and expected around an election, or if we should push harder towards keeping news about political parties in !politics, or something else?

      Edit: just to clarify the question, what do people think should happen if a clearly political post is posted in !newzealand? Lemmy does not have the ability to move posts to another community.

      • Kiwiguy
        39 months ago

        @Dave @sortofblue I’m personally not a fan of splitting small communities.

        If mixing content types makes moderation too hard, then I would say that the above post belongs in the “politics” section of a newspaper so yeah.

        • @DaveOPMA
          39 months ago

          The idea is that politics is something that there are enough people interested in it to support it’s own community, and enough people who do not want to see it to justify separating it.

          Lemmy does not have tags for filtering like reddit, so people who want to filter out politics basically have no choice. In the early days, there were many people vocal about not wanting to see politics, hence why it got it’s own community.

          • @sortofblue
            39 months ago

            If it’s too complicated I’m not bothered, I just found it quite nice to be able to avoid it before the election campaigning kicked into high gear.

          • @eagleeyedtiger
            9 months ago

            I’m personally for separating politics into it’s own community, but am I the only one that uses “Local” to see all the lemmy.nz communities posts?

            I switch between local, subscribed and all depending on what I want to see.

            • @DaveOPMA
              39 months ago

              You’re not the only one, but lemmy.nz has 750 users, while [email protected] has 1,300 subscribers. There are many users on other instances participating here that can’t see our local feed.

            • @sortofblue
              29 months ago

              That’s what I’ve been doing as well. Is that not a good idea?

              • @eagleeyedtiger
                29 months ago

                No nothing wrong. I just didn’t consider others might not have their main account on lemmy.nz, so wouldnt get the same local view

    • @sortofblue
      29 months ago

      That looks amazing. Is it taking much to pick it up? I use dvorak on everything except my phone, which is still on qwerty. I wonder if my brain could cope with a third kb layout…

      • @DaveOPMA
        9 months ago

        I’ve never used a different keyboard layout. I’ve been using it only today, have tested it on the typing test thing they link to, https://monkeytype.com, and I managed 10 words per minute at the start. Then I tried again after using it for a while (I only started a few hours ago, so it’s only a few hours of use) and I was up to 18 words per minute. Pretty slow. I tried with my normal android keyboard (only typing, not using word suggestions) and managed 47wpm, and that was only one try.

        I’m gonna try to keep using it and see if I manage to get better at it.