Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So, how’s it going?

  • @DaveOPMA
    510 months ago

    I tried the Hummingbird Decaf this morning. Was a little off starting the day off with a decaf coffee, but it was pretty decent. I brewed it too weak though. I’m getting the sense that decaf needs more coffee grinds in it.

    How much coffee do others use for making 1 cup?

    • @NoRamyunForYou
      210 months ago

      If I do end up brewing my coffee these days, I use about 18~20g for a cup (which is around 300ml for me).

      On that note, I’m currently looking for some new beans to try. I was getting beans from Ark Coffee before as they were right where we lived, but now looking to try some more. Heard from a mate that’s been a barista for quite a while, that they like Red Rabbit for their specialty coffees.

      Looking for something quite fruity/acidic, and one thats quite hearty?/earthy? not too sure what to call it.

      • @DaveOPMA
        310 months ago

        If I do end up brewing my coffee these days, I use about 18~20g for a cup (which is around 300ml for me).

        Ah, that seems proportionately similar to what I use for a cup of non-decaf.

        Looking for something quite fruity/acidic, and one thats quite hearty?/earthy? not too sure what to call it.

        I’m no coffee connoisseur so can’t really recommend anything to your specifications (hopefully someone else can), but the bourbon aged coffee is still in stock if you’re looking to try something a little different.

        • @NoRamyunForYou
          210 months ago

          Does it actually end up tasting quite a bit like bourbon? I’ve become (especially in recent times) a bit distant from alcohol (especially spirits), so not 100% on the bourbon taste haha

          • @DaveOPMA
            210 months ago

            If you don’t like bourbon, you probably won’t like it. It does come through in the flavour. Though it’s not super strong. You can definitely smell the bourbon though, I wouldn’t drink it at work 😆

      • @eagleeyedtiger
        310 months ago

        It’s been a long time since I had it, but I remember one of the Peoples Coffee varieties was quite fruity. I think it was the Guatemalan Huhuetenango

        • @NoRamyunForYou
          210 months ago

          Ahh yes, have had people recommend them a few times - might need to give them a go as well.

          • @eagleeyedtiger
            210 months ago

            I’m an instant drinker now, but I found single origin beans had more distinct flavours than blends, downside is they cost a bit more.

      • @Axisential
        310 months ago

        I use Mackenzie beans in my cafe these days - big fan of their Mainland blend - rich, round, mellow, very easy to drink, and we get lots of compliments too!

        • @NoRamyunForYou
          210 months ago

          When I just looked them up on google, I first went into McKenzies Foods’ website, and i was wondering where the coffee beans were amongst all the peas and lentils etc lol.

          Interesting - I’d never heard of them until now. Will have to put them into the list as well :)

          • @Axisential
            310 months ago

            Oh hahah, didn’t realise there was a similar brand name, oops!

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      If you felt it was decent, that’s a good start. Maybe do a test with double the coffee? Are you using a plunger to make your coffee?

      • @DaveOPMA
        210 months ago

        I’m using an aeropress, which is basically a plunger (I use the upside-down method so I can brew it for as long as I like).

        I use a heaped scoop when using normal coffee, using the aeropress scoop. That’s apparently about 3 tablespoons. Doing double seems like a lot! The supermarket only had 180g bags. If I did double then I only get like 6 coffees out of a bag 😱

        • @[email protected]
          210 months ago

          I guessed saying twice the amount, mainly as an experiment. Make one once using twice the coffee, just to see what it tastes like. Take it from there, maybe less next time if it’s too strong.

          • @DaveOPMA
            210 months ago

            Yeah, I’ll have a play and see if I can get it tasting good.

  • @[email protected]
    410 months ago

    It’s going okay! Watched Barbie with my wife yesterday and that was surprisingly hilarious and now at work on morning tea break. Looking forward to going home to play video games!

    • @DaveOPMA
      10 months ago

      I’ve got a 6 year old wanting to go to the movies, and Barbie has crossed my mind. But we are a pretty ad-free house. The idea of taking them to see two hours of doll advert just doesn’t sit right with me, even if the movie is highly rated.

      • @Axisential
        210 months ago

        Man, I can relate… Although we just watched the latest transformers movie with the kids and there’s a reference right at the end to GI Joe - quote from Mr. 12 was “Gee, product placement much? I guess that’s their next movie franchise” He’s a cynical little bugger, lol, proud dad moment!

        • @DaveOPMA
          210 months ago

          Haha yeah, product placement is pretty prevalent in anything. If you see something you recognise, a can of coke, an Apple logo, the characters walk past a McDonald’s; the company paid for it to be there. I notice a huge amount of product placement when I’m looking for it.

  • @sortofblue
    310 months ago

    Decided to have a weekend off social media and came back to a heap of weekend conversation (isn’t that always the way).

  • @Ilovethebomb
    310 months ago

    I love the Kapiti expressway, such a stress free driving experience. Just set the cruise control, and sit at 100-ish up to Otaki.

    • @bruzie
      210 months ago

      I drove from Palmy to Wellington early yesterday morning. Put on cruise control at the start of two lanes north of Ōtaki and didn’t touch the pedals until heading down Ngaranga Gorge (minor adjustments to CC via control buttons).

      • @Ilovethebomb
        110 months ago

        Wait until you drive a vehicle with radar cruise, it will maintain speed down the gorge even.

    • @DaveOPMA
      10 months ago

      The whole thing. Transmission Gully, Kāpiti bypass, Ōtaki bypass. “Soon” they will add on a Levin bypass (if National don’t cancel it to pay for their new roads being funded from money already ringfenced for building and maintaining roads).

      There’s a stretch of road between Sanson and Bulls that could do with being 4 lanes, or otherwise avoid having two major roads come together for a few km just to split off again, but other than that travelling from Wellington to New Plymouth is pretty smooth sailing now even at the busiest times of the year.

      • @Ilovethebomb
        110 months ago

        I have a hard time believing National would cancel a road, especially a project like that, it would go down like a lead balloon amongst their supporters.

        We have a few sites in Foxton we service, this new road would mean I can get there in around two hours from Wellington.

        • @DaveOPMA
          110 months ago

          Petrol tax and RUC goes into a fund called the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF). This fund is ringfenced and can only be used for building and maintaining roads. Basically, money going into this fund is allocated out for maintenance and for new roading projects.

          National have come in with a promise to build a bunch of new roads not currently planned. Their proposal is to pay for these roads from the NLTF.

          The only way they can do this, it to cancel other roading projects, or take money that would have been allocated to other roading projects in the future.

          We have a few sites in Foxton we service, this new road would mean I can get there in around two hours from Wellington.

          Isn’t Foxton much less than 2 hours away now? I’d think you’d be in Palmy by 2 hours.

          • @Ilovethebomb
            210 months ago

            It probably is, come to think of it, Otaki is reliably under an hour.

            There will be a chunk of funding coming from places like RUCs on electric vehicles, I’m not sure what else they plan to use.

            • @DaveOPMA
              210 months ago

              Electric vehicles are from memory about 1.7% of light vehicles, so I doubt they will get 6 billion of funding (plus the other 2-4 billion needed because they used old estimates). Pretty sure they just intend to reallocate funding from other projects (probably to avoid criticism, might try to add these projects to the end of the queue so any already approved projects proceed as planned).

              But to be fair, they probably just won’t go ahead. If a party completes 50% of their election promises, then it’s a pretty good run.

              • @Ilovethebomb
                210 months ago

                Imagine if Labour had built 50% of the light rail they promised us.

  • @SamC
    6 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • @DaveOPMA
      110 months ago

      😆 we all know that feeling