Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

It doesn’t have to be me making the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So how’s it going?

  • @sortofblue
    31 year ago

    Had issues with jerboa timing out this morning so lost some nicely worded replies and now I can’t remember what they were. Cue stilted six-word responses that feel really clunky.

    But I arrived to work today to find a huge jar of jelly beans on my desk, so things could be worse.

    Hope everyone is staying dry today!

    • @DaveOPMA
      21 year ago

      I had such bad luck with Jerboa that I just use the website from my phone now. Although I did notice an update for Jerboa a couple of days ago so maybe some of the bugs have been resolved. I’ve also had the website lose posts when writing on my laptop, so now for long ones I try to remember to write them somewhere else and copy them in. Hopefully in future Lemmy gets functionality to automatically save drafts.

      Jelly beans sounds good! It sounds like your work with some good colleagues (or maybe someone fucked up really badly).

      • @sortofblue
        31 year ago

        I have the best work wife, it’s the nicest office environment you could hope for.

        I heard rumours about former reddit apps being adapted for Lemmy so I have fingers crossed my favourite is one of them I would absolutely pay for a third time to be able to use it here.

        • @RaoulDukeM
          31 year ago

          TIL the phrase “work wife”

    • @RaoulDukeM
      21 year ago

      I was alternating between Jerboa and the website on my phone. Then I realised that the Lemmy website was a progressive web app, meaning you can install it like an app on your home screen. It loads without the URL bar, etc. so it feels like its own app. Haven’t used Jerboa since (except to see how banners and icons look there).

      On Firefox for Android, go to lemmy.nz, tap the three dots, then Install. I expect it’s pretty similar on iOS and other browsers. You might have to disable ad blockers, VPNs, etc to get Install to show up for some reason. But you can turn them back on after it’s installed.

      • @sortofblue
        31 year ago

        Oh cheers, that looks much better! Will see how that goes until Jerboa is a bit more stable (or until I can return to my beloved Relay).

      • @DaveOPMA
        21 year ago

        I did this originally but I just spend so much time searching up stuff in a new tab it was just easier not to!

        • @RaoulDukeM
          21 year ago

          I like being able to slide between Lemmy and Firefox. Changing tabs on Firefox Mobile always seems painful.

          • @DaveOPMA
            21 year ago

            You can swipe on the address bar in firefox mobile to switch tabs. Set it to be at the bottom for easy reaching.

              • @DaveOPMA
                21 year ago

                Haha all good

                • @RaoulDukeM
                  21 year ago

                  I always have a crazy number of tabs open. When I open the tabs thing it goes to the top of all the tabs and I have to scroll down to find the other one I was just on. It drives me crazy. This is life changing.

  • @BalpeenHammer
    11 year ago

    Is it me or is this the rainiest year in recent history?