• @DaveMA
      822 days ago

      Yeah, not to mention this $113m was spent over about 12 years, with the bulk of it in 2012! It’s the kind of money the government finds between the couch cushions, it’s not some crazy spend.

  • Dr Jekell
    421 days ago

    My guess is they chipped in so they get access to the US military satellite network for our military usage.

    So that when the navy, army or air force are operating away from our shores they have a reliable way of communicating back home and to our allies.

  • @Ilovethebomb
    121 days ago

    And? They’re one of our closet defense partners, obviously we’re going to chip in, especially when our own security will presumably benefit from the intelligence this satellite will gather.

  • @[email protected]
    22 days ago

    $21 per NZ citizen to pay for that. That is not pocket change considering its just one of MANY costs required to run a society.

    That includes every child, pensioners, unemployed, disabled person and others. The real cost per tax payer is MUCH higher.

    How’s the public healthcare in NZ? Public transport?

    • @absGeekNZ
      321 days ago

      Ok, so $113m is approx $1.60 per person per year.

      Or if only looking at the ~3.5m tax payers, then it is ~$2.70 per person per year.

      • @powOP
        121 days ago

        I don’t like how you try to make the numbers harder to understand. It’s really easy:

        $113,000,000 / 5.2 million people = $21 per person.