A man who scammed people out of nearly $300,000 by pretending to be a police officer has been arrested.

On Monday the 25-year-old man, a UK national, was chased by police through Auckland central on foot.

The scam involved a call to a landline by someone pretending to be a police officer and providing a fake badge number.

There were 18 Aucklanders, aged between 56 and 90, with the majority over 80, allegedly duped out of money.

“The scam will always involve this so-called officer asking for financial information or asking you to withdraw cash to be collected as part of an investigation into banks,” Detective Senior Sergeant Craig Bolton said.

  • DaveOPMA
    2 days ago

    Interesting, and good to know! I just assumed the cognitive decline of my grandmother’s cognition was partly because her diet was 50% butter or thereabouts, but maybe there was more to it 🙂

    • liv
      11 hours ago

      Diet can do it too, e.g vitamin D deficiency also causes cognitive decline, and if doctors find out someone is eating 50% butter and puts them on statins (anti cholesterol) that causes reversible cognitive decline as well.

      Bizarrely, with elderly people you also have to watch out for “silent” UTIs - they don’t hurt so the person might not realise they have one and it causes really marked signs of dementia, eg they say really dementia-ish things. Antibiotics clears it up. I saw this one first hand and it was such a relief to actually figure it out and get the person back to normal.

      • DaveOPMA
        57 minutes ago

        With my grandmother is was gradual over a really long time, but I’m curious about the anti cholesterol medication which she was almost certainly on. I’m learning about this a decade too late though 🫤