We no doubt have a large amount people here interested in the outdoors, I would like to formally request an “outdoors” thread be created for this instance?

  • BlueÆther
    41 year ago

    How outdoors?

    I have [email protected] on my instance, would be happy to do others of that sort. I’m setting it up for more of that type of community rather than pure social

    • @IlovethebombOP
      21 year ago

      I’m thinking of something aimed more at outdoor sports and activities, less on the wildlife.

      • @gibberish_driftwood
        11 year ago

        Are you thinking tramping/hunting/alpine/kayaking/mountain-running etc? They all cross over a little in outdoor space they use, but at least in my own personal experience the people involved in each of those usually tend to have their own very distinct interests in what they like to discuss. YMMV, of course.

        • @IlovethebombOP
          21 year ago

          That’s the idea, yes. I’ve found people tend to be multi disciplinary to some extent, kayakers will often do whitewater as well as ocean paddling, and I do know people who also to tramping etc.

          This would be more to discuss trips and scenery in terms an outsider can understand.

          • @DaveMA
            11 year ago

            One of the other NZ Lemmy instances is having a more nature/outdoors focus, and I noticed they have a community [email protected]. This might be a good place to put that content? No content yet but I’m sure you can change that!