She sounds absolutely unhinged, going into someone’s business just to pick a fight with them is straight up bullying behaviour.

  • @Rangelus
    2 months ago

    I listened to the interview with the florist. I’m not excusing any behaviour, but the florist sounded like an entitled boomer. She started up about cycle ways, and then when Julie responded slightly irritated was all “that’s what you greenies always do”. It honestly sounded like the florist wanted to pick a fight.

    Also, an aside to this, but you have a real hate hard on for the greens don’t you?

      • @Rangelus
        32 months ago

        They seem more like a typical ACT voter tbh, not as far gone as a MAGA type radical right.

        Although there are some similarities in the bad-faith arguments between those two groups.

        • @BalpeenHammer
          32 months ago

          Do you remember the time when David Seymour held a meeting where he encouraged all of his supporters to wear MAGA hats but was too cowardly to put one on his head and be photographed?

    • @Xcf456
      12 months ago

      Exactly, they push and push and push in bad faith then turn around and do this performative shock and outrage when shes finally snapped by the sounds of it. Now they’re doing the classic drip feed of stories from every anti-transport dinosaur to heap even more pressure on. Guarantee the Taxpayers Union will be helping to coordinate this, again

      • @Rangelus
        12 months ago

        I wouldn’t be surprised at all.

        The thing that annoys me is I doubt this story would be much of anything if Julie was a man. But because she is a woman she is ‘hysterical’ and ‘unhinged’. I have no problem with politicians being passionate about their causes, but obviously she needs to rein it in and stick to acceptable decorum.

        • @IlovethebombOP
          -12 months ago

          You’re completely wrong there, I think. If this was a man acting that way towards a woman, the backlash would be far worse.

          • @Rangelus
            22 months ago

            Lets clarify what we’re talking about.

            The incident in parliament, I agree with you. The incident at the florists, a man against another man, I don’t think it would even be news.

    • @IlovethebombOP
      -22 months ago

      I’m not excusing any behaviour, but

      Proceeds to excuse the behaviour.

      And I’m here to see politicians held accountable for their actions, you should ask yourself why I’m the only one posting bad news about the Greens.

      • @Rangelus
        22 months ago

        Proceeds to excuse the behaviour.

        No, I pointed out that, perhaps, the shopkeeper wasn’t quite as blameless in the interaction as implied.

        And I’m here to see politicians held accountable for their actions, you should ask yourself why I’m the only one posting bad news about the Greens.

        By far and away the most stuff you post is negative news about the greens, not about any other party (some labour before the election IIRC). But I’m not really hear to argue about this point, I just wanted to comment about it is all. If you disagree that’s fine mate.

        • @IlovethebombOP
          -22 months ago

          Because anything remotely critical of the coalition parties is posted here by ballpeenhammer within minutes.

          • @BalpeenHammer
            12 months ago

            I don’t deny my biases and pretend to be somebody I am not.

            • @IlovethebombOP
              -22 months ago

              Oh, we’re well aware of your political leanings. It’s not like you talk about anything else.

              • @BalpeenHammer
                22 months ago

                You should be aware. I make no pretences and I am not duplicitous like you.

      • @BalpeenHammer
        22 months ago

        Why do you even pretend to lie though? We all know what a right wing zealot you are. The only reason you are the one posting bad news about greens is because you hate greens, liberals, environmentalists, young people, people who protest, the poor, and who knows what else.

        Honestly you are just like any other MAGA internet dude.