Man, Wellington shop owners must dread seeing a green MP walk in the door at this point.

  • @IlovethebombOP
    32 months ago

    And this is definitely because we don’t have enough cycle lanes, not because we haven’t invested in roading in the capital since the nineties.

    Public transport is great, but we still need roading infrastructure.

    • @Xcf456
      32 months ago

      Yeah it is. And bus lanes. You can at least get everywhere in a car on the existing road network, can’t say the same about other modes. There are huge gaps in coverage.

      Doubling down on road infrastructure for cars without alternatives is monstrously expensive and only ends up making traffic even worse in the long run.

      • @IlovethebombOP
        22 months ago

        Just think how many problems it would solve if people heading towards Kilbirnie and Miramar could do so without interacting with the Wellington CBD. Imagine how much more pleasant the place would be.

        • @Xcf456
          22 months ago

          The estimated cost of that is nearly 10 times what transmission Gully cost, and it’d be certainly more than that in practice. Ridiculous amounts of money, just shift some of the peak capacity.

          • @IlovethebombOP
            22 months ago

            I suspect that was done to wind people up, or at least wasn’t a serious proposal.

            I do think it would be better for everyone to make it easier for traffic to get through the CBD though, especially since we can’t build a ring road.