Who could have seen this coming!

  • @liv
    22 months ago

    Yeah. It’s so weird.

    It’s also another example of putting ideology over practicality. Even before they got in, we already had a drag on our healthcare system because of the lifelong effects of our unusually high rate of child respiratory infections and rheumatic fever.

    The downstream effects of these new policies are not going to be pretty.

    • @Rangelus
      32 months ago

      This government (and more frequently all rightwing parties) seem anti-science and anti-common-sense. Anything to feed the machine (neo-liberal capitalism).

      • @liv
        12 months ago

        I think you’re right.

        It’s quite baffling to me. After a certain point, wealth hoarding is no more beneficial than hoarding old newspapers. And they’re ruining lives and destroying the planet for that?