Vandalised would be a more accurate description.

Posting this mostly to comment on the near daily culture war distractions being peddled by the government to distract from all the horrible shit they’re doing, and the effect this is having to embolden bigots and fascists to commit more extreme acts.

  • @Xcf456OP
    23 months ago

    I’m blaming the government for emboldening it through their constant culture war bullshit, not for this actual act. They are definitely connected issues.

    National aren’t the whole government. ACT and NZ First are well into this to try and stave off the coalition curse, and National is unable to control them.

      • @Xcf456OP
        03 months ago

        What parts of what I said do you find confusing?

        • @Ilovethebomb
          -23 months ago

          None of what you just said made any sense. What culture war are you talking about?

          • @BalpeenHammer
            43 months ago

            The war being waged by ACT, NZF and National. The war against liberals, maori, the woke etc.