It sounds like other KO tenants suffer the worst, to be honest.

Utterly shameful the previous government let it get this far.

  • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
    53 months ago

    If there was a strong possibility they would end up homeless, or in a much worse living situation than they are currently in, that would be a strong incentive to change their behaviour.

    Respectfully, I disagree. Many people in this state really DGAF and especially DGAF about (/have no understanding of) consequences, or they wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place. Consequences work for people who have something to lose. For these people, many don’t (feel they) have anything to lose. Change will not come from within in these cases.

    • @IlovethebombOP
      43 months ago

      Regardless of whether it will change their behaviour, they need to be moved out of state housing in my view, they shouldn’t be able to make life hell for those around them.